Page 14 - Kent Parks Recreation Guide Fall 2024
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Open to kids in Pre-K-Grade 8 (Pre-K participants must turn 3 by August 31,
2024). Pre-K-Grade 1 is co-ed, Grades 2-8 is split into Boys and Girls leagues.
Games are weeknights or Saturdays depending on grade level and begin mid-
September. Registration is now available on a space-available basis only.
Call the Kent Commons at 253-856-5100 or visit in person to register today!
Co-ed Basketball Grades K-2
Recreational league for boys and girls attending Kindergarten and Grades 1-2
during the 2024-2025 school year. Participants will be placed on a team in their
own grade level. Program is 8 weeks long and starts in mid-January with 2
Saturdays of practice and 6 Saturdays of games. Registration fee includes team
shirt. Deadline to register is Tuesday, December 10, 2024.
Kent Area Schools | $70
FALL SPORTS DAY Kindergarten 1/11-3/1 YO1001 01W
Sat Grade 1 1/11-3/1 YO1001 02W
Sat Grade 2 1/11-3/1 YO1001 03W
Fall Volleyball Grades 3-12
Recreational league for boys and girls attending Grades 3-12 during the Elementary Basketball Grades 3-6
2024-2025 school year. Teams are limited to 12 players. Practice begins in
October with games starting in November. Deadline to register is Tuesday, Recreational league for boys and girls attending Grades 3-6 during the
September 3, 2024. 2024-2025 school year. All teams will play 8 league games with a pre-season
Kent Commons | $68 jamboree. Practices start in December and are held on weeknights at local
elementary schools. Games are played on Saturdays January-March at local
DAY TEAM DATES # middle schools or high schools, or at the Kent Commons. Registration fee
Mon-Fri Youth Grade 3/4 11/4-12/12 YO1012 01F includes team shirt. Deadline to register is Tuesday, November 5, 2024.
Girls: Kent Area Schools | $80
Mon-Fri Youth Grade 5/6 11/4-12/12 YO1012 02F DAY TEAM DATES #
Mon-Fri Youth Grade 7-8 11/4-12/12 YO1012 03F Sat Grade 3 1/11-3/1 YO1002 01W
Mon-Fri Girls Grade 9-12 11/4-12/12 YO1012 04F Sat Grade 4 1/11-3/1 YO1002 02W
Mon-Fri Boys Grade 9-12 11/4-12/12 YO1012 05F
Sat Grade 5 1/11-3/1 YO1002 03W
Sat Grade 6 1/11-3/1 YO1002 04W
JOHN STALEY Boys: Kent Area Schools | $80
Sat Grade 3 1/11-3/1 YO1003 01W
A fund was established in John Staley’s memory
to help children needing financial assistance to Sat Grade 4 1/11-3/1 YO1003 02W
participate in sports. Sat Grade 5 1/11-3/1 YO1003 03W
Please call 253-856-5100 or send contributions to: Sat Grade 6 1/11-3/1 YO1003 04W
Kent Parks, Recreation & Community Services
525 4th Ave. N, Kent, WA 98032. Basketball Middle/High School Grades 7-12
Recreational league for girls attending Grades 7-8 and boys attending Grades
7-12 during the 2024-2025 school year. Practice begins in early January with
games starting the week of February 3rd. All games will be played on weekday
evenings at the Kent Commons. Registration fee includes team shirt. Deadline
to register is Tuesday, December 10, 2024.
This is a recreational program for girls and boys who did not make their
2024-2025 school team, including Home Team, Fifth Quarter, and Travel Squad
(attending tryouts but not making team is accepted). Team size is limited to 10
players with all players participating. Requests of placement on a specific team
with a particular friend or coach will be considered but cannot be guaranteed.
Girls: Kent Commons | $100
Mon,Thu,Fri Grade 7/8 2/3-3/28 YO1009 01W
Boys: Kent Commons | $100
Mon,Thu,Fri Grade 7/8 2/3-3/28 YO1004 01W
Mon,Thu,Fri Grade 9-12 2/3-3/28 YO1004 02W
14 KENT PARKS IS HIRING! Apply today at