Page 19 - Doc1_Neat
P. 19
The opportunity – He ran away because he feared what he predicted could happen to him if he was
caught by the culprits. Therefore, that gave the culprits the opportunity to freely check the shed for
any substance which they could use for sell for money.
The sheds were empty but the only thing that was left remained inside the shed was those seven
wheelbarrows that were left there by the washed down workers for the night because they will
continue to work in that same farm tomorrow which was Saturday 10 October 2020.
Disappearance of Seven wheelbarrows – The culprits then stole those seven wheelbarrows inside the
shed and escaped at the rear side of the shed into the bushed and off they went with those
That was his reported story to me and that written a sort statement.
• Action Taken:
- The BES was reported to Respective Managers.
- Investigation conducted
- Plans for wheelbarrow recovery will commence as soon as investigation completed.
- A Corrective Action will be also considered
Reported by: Simon Anton. Designation: Yankee 2 - PCS Night Shift for Site Manager.