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I never regret choosing my career path as a Kumon franchise
                                                                    owner. Being part of Kumon team makes me feel motivated and
                     Ms. Nurul Dini Omar                            enjoy my work because of the supportive team. Moreover, other

                 Jalan Semariang, Kuching                           instructors do share their struggle and find solutions to a certain
                                                                    problem that you feel like you are not alone. You will learn a lot
                                                                    from the sharing and also the Kumon Field Development team will
                                                                    give you endless appreciation for your effort in nurturing young
                                                                    minds. Students’ progress and positive development make me
                                                                    motivated to be a Kumon Instructor. Guiding students from the
                                                                    early age to teen years make me feel the sense of contributing
                                                                    something valuable to the future generations.
                                                                    Consistency and discipline are the main key to a successful Kumon
                                                                    student. Working together with parents is also important to
                                                                    ensure that the students have a good study attitude at home. It is
                                                                    satisfying to observe students answering a hard question
                                                                    independently after frequent practice at an easy level. The Kumon
                                                                    method helps students to become independent, increase their
                                                                    confidence and self-esteem, help them a lot in exercising their
                                                                    mind for long term learning and not just focus on big exams. My
                                                                    goal is to let the student coming out of Kumon centre feeling
                           155% Growth                              happy and motivated to learn more.
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