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Ms. Cassandra Wong Yoke Sim
Greetings to the Kumon family. It is a blessing for us
Jalan Raja Omar, Sitiawan to be able to gather today and heartfelt loss for those
who are gone due to the pandemic. Honestly, when
the pandemic broke out, though I felt the impact and
inconvenience brought about by MCO, there was no
panic or despair of closing the centre. And this is
because there is a sturdy Kumon umbrella above me.
I had confidence because I knew I was not alone,
there were countless Kumon members all around the
world supporting each other. So my staff and I just
fulfilled our original responsibilities with the
remaining students, merely using a different medium.
And as long as we kept ourselves safe, we will regain
what had been lost. This confidence came from
Kumon itself. For this, thank you all
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