P. 5

        President and CEO
        Daniel E. Marvin, LS                                                  [ president’s message ]
        Executive Board
        Kenneth M. Slaugenhoupt, LS                           In a year where our lives have been turned upside down and
         Executive Vice President
        Roy B. Garfinkel, LS                                  nothing seems the same, I’m looking forward to a new year. How
         Vice President                                       about you? Change is coming with a new vaccine out, and it looks
        Jeremy E. Thompson, LS, Treasurer                     like more will follow. I hope there is enough of the vaccine to go
        Steven J. Willard, LS, Secretary
        Greg J. de Bruin, LS, PE                              around for it to be available for everyone, and that we will have
         Executive Director                                   an environment again where a pandemic is a thing of the past,
                                                              and thing of our distant past. In person meetings and continuing
        Board of Trustees
        Robert R. Allen, LS                                   education classes now seem like something to truly look forward
        J. Steven Boddecker, LS                               to. In person meetings, the inconvenience of driving to meet with
        Patricia P. Brooks, LS
        Robert G. Cross, LS                  people, I miss this. Continuing education was something I thought would always be
        Greg J. de Bruin, LS, PE             a continued work in progress and be there for us. It has changed this year to virtual
        Joseph E. Dioguardi, Jr., LS         and we have made the needed changes work for our profession. While living in a
        John R. Ennis, LS
        R. Ronald Kreiling, LS               pandemic, like none of us have ever seen before, we as surveyors have tried to find out
        Joseph G. Malinowski, LS             if we are “essential” or not since the start of this last March. In my perspective from
        Daren L. Morgan, LS                  talking with other surveyors, many are seeing an uptick in business through much of
        Robert A. Smith, LS
        Edwin A. Summerhays, LS              this strange time. NYSAPLS has revamped our Annual Conference, working to keep
        Gary L. Thompson, LS                 the continuing education classes that we have all come to rely on and are looking to
        Glennon J. Watson, LS                reschedule the next Strategic Planning Retreat.
        Marie T. Welch, LS
                                             Of course, the 62nd Annual Conference will be virtual this year. I would like to extend
        NYSAPLS Headquarters
        146 Washington Avenue                a huge thank you to Amber Carpenter, Heather Schultz and Sharon O’Brien that
        Land Surveyors Building              have put in many hours making our normal conference into something that is sure
        Albany, NY 12210                     to be a spectacular event. I would also like to thank the Conference and Education
        518-432-4046                      Committees that have had many virtual meetings to plan and come up with an                     event that will offer both a mix of education and networking. We can get at least 16
        Editor-in-Chief &                    continuing education credits.
        Managing Director
        Amber Carpenter                      Did you know that on our website, under the “Education” menu, there is a sub-                    section called “Become a Surveyor” including information about our “Get Kids
        Director of Membership               into Surveying” campaign? Well, if not, then you should check it out. The Young
        Heather Schulz                       Professionals Committee and Public Relations Committee have worked together to
                                             create lesson plans for middle school and high school level students. These plans could
        Administrative Assistant
        Sharon O'Brien                       be taught in conjunction with a history or math lesson that can further show the                   relationship between Land Surveying and everyday activities. We all should share them
                                             with our communities, a neighborhood kid or a teacher. Or perhaps and better yet,
        Affiliated Associations              maybe you know an administrator in the school, and they would be willing to share
        Allegheny Plateau Association of Profes-
        sional Land Surveyors | Black River Valley   this information with their teachers. The committee is working on additional lesson
        Association of Professional Land Surveyors   plans. What a great way to raise awareness of the profession. NYSAPLS won the 2020
        | Catskill Area Association of Land Sur-
        veyors | Central New York Society of Land   NSPS Public Relations Award for this campaign. Keep up the great work.
        Surveyors | City Surveyors Association
        of Greater New York | Delaware-Hudson   Also, NSPS approved new standards for ALTA/NSPS Surveys. The new standards
        Land Surveyors Association, Inc | Eastern
        New York Society of Land Surveyors, Inc |   go into effect on February 23, 2021. To view the new standards you can visit:
        Genesee Valley Land Surveyors Association
        | Long Island Association of Land Surveyors
        Inc | Mid-Hudson Valley Association of
        Land Surveyors | Mohawk Valley Society of   Sincerely,
        Professional Land Surveyors | Nassau-Suffolk
        Civil Engineers Inc | Niagara Frontier Land
        Surveyors Association | Northern New York
        Association of Land Surveyors | Southern   Daniel E. Marvin, LS
        Finger Lakes Association of Professional
        Land Surveyors | Southern Tier Association   NYSAPLS President
        of Land Surveyors | Surveyors Association
        of Queensboro Inc | Westchester-Putnam
        Association of Professional Land Surveyors
                                          EMPIRE STATE SURVEYOR / VOL. 57 • NO 1/ 2021 • JANUARY/FEBRUARY   3
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