P. 7

[ message from
                headquarters ]

                           Happy New Year! We made it through
                           2020!  Woo hoo! On behalf of the              Congratulations to the 2021
                           NYSAPLS Headquarters staff, we wish           NYSAPLS Executive Officers
                           you, your family and staff a happy and
                           healthy 2021.                                             Daniel E. Marvin, LS

                           National Surveyors Week                                   President
                           Save the dates! National Surveyors week
                           (NSW) coming up in a couple months,
        March 21-27, 2021. Be sure to visit our website, along with  for opportunities to participate in events to
        promote the surveying profession as a whole. Surveyor’s week                 Kenneth M. Slaugenhoupt, LS
        gives us the opportunity to introduce the newest generation to               Executive Vice President
        the surveying profession.

        An  easy  way  to  bring  recognition  to  the  profession  is
        by obtaining a proclamation from your local town/city
        government office. Sample proclamations are available on
        the NSPS website. Other activities include holding a local                   Roy B. Garfinkel, LS
        Trig-Star competition, working with the Boy Scouts to help                   Vice President
        them earn a survey merit badge, participating in GPS day, or
        holding a career day at your local high school. Depending on
        the status of the pandemic, some of these suggestions may be
        easier (and safer) than others.
                                                                                     Jeremy E. Thompson, LS
        However you choose to get involved, please know you are
        helping to educate the public, promoting awareness and                       Treasurer
        supporting  the future of your profession.  To help you get
        started, NSPS has put together a “National Surveyors Week
        Volunteer Kit”, which can be found on their website. The
        document  provides  helpful  tips  on  how  to  request  a
        proclamation, how to get involved with  Trig-Star, links                     Steven J. Willard, LS
        to step-by-step directions on the scouting badge, and                        Secretary
        much more.

        PS - Do you have a story you’d like to share in our magazine? We
        love printing member generated news articles in our publication.
        Send your news stories and articles to
                                                                                     Greg J. de Bruin, LS, PE
        As always, thank you for your support.                                       Executive Director


        Amber Carpenter
        NYSAPLS Managing Director

                                          EMPIRE STATE SURVEYOR / VOL. 57 • NO 1/ 2021 • JANUARY/FEBRUARY   5
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