Page 341 - PUC 2017 Master Catalog
P. 341
Compression Connector Crimping Methods
Dieless Crimpers
The other class of hydraulic crimping tools is that of the dieless Some dieless tools of each type are also often recommended
design. Dieless actually means that there is no die insert by their manufacturers to be able to provide range-taking
change needed when one needs to crimp a different connector capabilities (a single connector could be used to terminate
size within the range of the tool. The dieless hydraulic tools more than one conductor size). It is always important to follow
can be further classified by the three general crimp shapes that the connector manufacturer’s installation instructions with
are made. One group of dieless tools makes crimps that are regard to connector selection, conductor sizes and types, and
the nest and indentor style. A second grouping of dieless tools the approved installation tooling in order to obtain a UL listed
makes use of multiple indentors which indent the connector and/or CSA certified connection.
from multiple sides without the use of a nest. The third group The necessity to maintain UL listing and/or CSA certification
of dieless tools provides a crimp that surrounds the connector for a connector installation can limit the available combina-
barrel and has an appearance more like that of a die-type tool. tions of connectors and crimp tools that can be used in a spe-
All of the dieless tool types are capable of crimping cylindrical cific situation. Dieless compression tool systems offer decided
connector barrels as recommended by their respective manu- advantages in installation flexibility and time saving, particular-
ly if both cylindrical and H-frame connectors can be installed
with a single dieless tool.
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