Page 2 - Newsletter Issue 11 - May 2020
P. 2

New Strata Laws to make Strata better… .

        The much-anticipated Strata Titles Act 1985, also known as
        the strata reforms, will come into effect as of Friday 1 May.

        REIWA  strongly  supports  the  new  legislation  and  worked
        closely  with  Landgate  and  the  WA  Government  to  ensure
        that  the  real  estate  industries  concerns  were  taken  into

        The  reforms  will  bring  strata  communities  into  the
        21  century and is expected to not only accommodate the
        shift  in  housing  preferences  over  the  years,  but  also
        Introduce  new  land  development  to  options  to  drive
        economic growth.                                       The new process also includes a more streamlined approach
                                                               for when all lot owners agree about terminating the scheme.
        A breakdown of the changes is listed below. For a detailed
        understanding  of  each  item,  view  Landgate’s  summary  of   Improving strata management
        what’s changing.                                       Starting on Friday 1 May 2020, amendments to the following
                                                               sections will be in effect in order to improve strata manage-
        Better buyer information                               ment and by-laws:
        For  those  who  are  looking  to  buy  into  a  strata  property,
        agents  will  be  required  from  the  1  May  2020  who  provide   •  Changes to by-laws.
        buyers  with  more  information  using  a  single  form  which    •  Ten-year maintenance plan.
        includes including:
                                                               •  Embracing modern technology.
                                                               •  The role of the strata manager.
        •  Estimated strata levy contributions over a 12-month period.

        •  The  most  recent  statement  of  accounts  of  the  strata   Introducing leasehold strata
                                                               A  leasehold  strata  title  is  a  built  strata  or  survey-strata
        •  Any  amount  already  owed  to  the  strata  company  by  the    scheme  with  a  fixed  term  of  between  20  and  99  years.  As
           current lot owner.                                  of  1  May  2020,  plans  for  leasehold  strata  schemes  can  be
        •  The minutes from the most recent annual general meeting of   lodged with Landgate.
           the  strata  company  or  any  extraordinary  general  meeting
           that’s been held since.                             In leasehold scheme each lot has a lease of between 20 and
        •  A full set of the scheme’s by-laws.                 99 years, with all lots ending on the same day. This will be
        •  Information about any termination proposal received by the   utilised to provide affordable housing in strategic sites such
           strata company.                                     as round train stations.

        More efficient dispute resolution                      Greater flexibility for staged subdivisions
        As of 1 May 2020, all new disputes will be heard in the State   The reformed Act makes it clear when the consent of owners
        Administrative Tribunal (SAT), existing disputes will continue   is required to change the way a scheme is being developed.
        in the original forum.                                 On 1 May 2020, schemes will no longer require a manage-
                                                               ment statement.
        The SAT will have broader powers to resolve strata scheme
        disputes and enforce by-laws.                          Details  of  staged  development  will  now  be  set  out  in  the
                                                               scheme  by-laws  and  are  called  staged  subdivision  by-laws.
        The only exception to SAT’s  role as the  ‘one-stop-shop’ for   The  changes  ensure  the  rights  of  lot  owners  who  have  al-
        strata disputes is the recovery of unpaid levies which are still   ready bought into earlier stages of the scheme are protected,
        to go through the civil courts.                        while making the process less cumbersome for developers.

        A fairer process for scheme termination                More information
        The  terminations  process  has  been  amended  to  allow  for   For more information visit
        majority approvals in some schemes.
                                                               Find  out  more  by  reading  the amended Strata Titles
        For  schemes  of  four  lots  or  less  the  decision  to  terminate   Act and Strata Titles Act General Regulations.
        must be unanimous for the termination to proceed.

        For schemes of five lots or more, a comprehensive series of
        safeguards are now in place including an independent review   SOURCE:-
        by the SAT if there are any dissenting owners.          make-strata-better/
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