Page 3 - Newsletter Issue 11 - May 2020
P. 3

What the Coronavirus means for Renters!

         In  response  to  the  coronavirus  the  Australian  government   available  for  landlords  who  provide  tenants  with  rent
         has  announced  a  six-month  moratorium  on  evictions  to   discounts, while rental assistance will also be available for
         keep a roof over the heads of struggling tenants throughout   those in rental distress.
         the country.
                                                              Tenants and landlords should check what is available in their
         This has come as a welcome relief to many, and means that   state to see if they are eligible for any benefits.
         those who lose their jobs during this difficult time will still   -Communication is key-
         have the security of a home to go back to.
                                                              Those  who  are  struggling  to  meet  rental  payments  at  this
         While  this  is  important  to  have  in  place  during  a  public
                                                              time, or think they may need to in the future, should get in
         health crisis, Minister Scott Morrison has stated, “There is a   touch  with  their  property  manager  or  landlord  as  soon  as
         moratorium  on  evictions.  That  doesn’t  mean  there  is  a    possible to work through any potential issues.
         moratorium on rents.”
                                                              While tenants are still responsible for paying their rent, they
         There are many property investors that are facing difficult
                                                              may be able to arrange something like a temporary deferral
         situations  at  present  too,  and  they  may  struggle  to  cover
                                                              or rent reduction depending on what the situation is.
         mortgage repayments if they don’t receive rental income.
                                                              It’s  also  a  good  idea  to  get  in  touch  with  your  state  or
         To  help  assist  landlords  and  their  tenants,  states  and    territory’s  tenancy  support  service.  They  can  offer
         territories have been offering relief packages.
                                                              counselling  and  legal  guidance  and  may  be  able  to  direct
         The details in some states are still being worked out, but in   you on where best to go to get support or rent assistance.
         Victoria for example there is a $500 million package to assist
         commercial and residential landlords and tenants. Relief is                       SOURCE:- PRONEWS MAY 2020

        How to make the most out of a Low Interest Rate

        environment… ..

         Interest rates are lower than they’ve ever been before, with
         the Reserve Bank of Australia cutting the official cash rate to
         a meagre 0.5 per cent at its March meeting.

         This is the fourth rate cut since June 2019 and there are a
         number of predictions that there will be at least one more
         rate cut before the year is out, possibly as early as April.

         An  interest  rate  cut  can  bring  about  good  or  bad  news    Low interest rates mean that your savings account won’t be
         depending  on  your  situation,  but  there  are  things  that    earning  you  as  much  as  usual  so  it’s  a  good  time  to  shop
         anyone  can  do to  make  the  most  of  the  current  economic   around.
                                                               Compare the different savings accounts on the markets and
         Pay down any debt                                     try to find one that will work better for you. Alternatively you
         When interest rates are low it’s a great time to take a look at   may  want  to use  this  time  to  park  your  money  elsewhere.
         your overall amount of debt and try to pay it down faster if   Which brings us to our next point…
         you can.
                                                               Consider investing
         Some people choose to reduce the amount they’re paying on   Since your money won’t be earning you as much sitting in a
         their home loan each month after a rate drop, but if you can   savings  account,  it’s  worth  looking  for  other  ways  you  can
         it’s worth continuing to make the same payments you have   get your money to work for you.
         been  so  you  can  get  ahead  on  your  loan  and  pay  it  off
         sooner.                                               It’s  true  that  the  current  global  economic  environment  is
                                                               quite volatile due to the coronavirus, meaning it could be a
         Keep in mind that the quicker you pay off your mortgage, the   risky  time  to  invest  in  something  like  the  stock  market,
         less interest you will  end up paying overall  – which means   however  there  are  other  investments  that  have  less  risk
         you  could  end  up  shaving  thousands  of  dollars  off  of  your    involved.
                                                               In  uncertain  times  bricks  and  mortar  investments  like
         Take a close look at your savings accounts            property and gold tend to be more popular choices, however
         While it may be a good time to pay down debt, a low interest   everyone should do their own research and work out where
         rate environment isn’t so good for your savings account.    their money will work best for them.

                                                                                           SOURCE:- PRONEWS APRIL 2020
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