Page 2 - Newsletter Issue 10 - March 2020
P. 2

Revealed:   Top suburbs for WA property investors

        According to the latest data, Medina, Armadale
        and  Parmelia  are  among  the  top  10  Perth  suburbs  for
        investors to keep an eye out for in 2020.

        REIWA President Damian Collins said with the Perth property
        market  starting  to  show  signs  of  improvement,  there  are
        some great opportunities out there for investors.

        What the data shows
        “Our  analysis  showed  there  are  a  number  of  suburbs  that
        have high rental returns for investors and the properties are
        leasing at faster than the average time. With interest rates at
        record  lows,  many  of  these  properties  are  likely  to  be
        positively geared,” Mr Collins said.

                                                              Top suburbs analysis
                               MEDIAN DAYS TO   GROSS RENTAL   “There  are  a  lot  of  contributing  factors  that  make  a  good
                                  LEASE          YIELD        investment  property,  however  suburbs  that  have  a  high
                                                              rental yield, such as Medina which had a 7.5 per cent rental
           Medina             17              7.5%            yield,  and  lower  than  average  days  to  lease,  are  ones
                                                              to consider,” Mr Collins said.

           Armadale           27              6.2%            “In the 12 months to December 2019, it took approximately
                                                              17  days  for  a  property  to  lease  in  Medina,  which  is  well
           Parmelia           14              5.6%            below the Perth average of 28 days, and demonstrates the
                                                              suburb is in high demand by tenants.”
           Seville Grove      20              5.6%
                                                              Of these top suburbs, eight of them are located south of the
                                                              river,  with  Armadale  and  Parmelia  following  close  behind
           Port Kennedy       27              5.6%

                                                              “It took 14 days on average to lease a property in Parmelia,
           Banksia Grove      25              5.6%
                                                              which  had  a  rental  yield  of  5.6  per  cent.  Armadale  had  a
                                                              higher  yield  at  6.2  per  cent,  however  it  took  27  days  on
           Maddington         20              5.2%            average to lease,” Mr Collins said.

                                                              Rounding out the top five is Seville Grove and Port Kennedy
           Meadow Springs     24              5.0%            which both had a rental yield of 5.6 per cent.

                                                              Investing in Perth
           Forrestfield       21              5.0%            “While the suburbs in this top 10 list are not rated by their
                                                              lifestyle, popularity or future growth, they have faster leasing
                                                              times  and  high  rental  yield  which  is  important  to
           Clarkson           27              5.0%
                                                              investors.” Mr Collins said.

           Overall Perth      28              3.9%            “With  Perth  currently  the  most  affordable  capital  city  in
                                                              Australia and the vacancy rate at a low of 2.3 per cent, now is
                                                              the ideal opportunity for investors to get back into the Perth
          *data in this table is filtered for suburbs with 28 or more house sales during the 12 months   property market.”
          to December 2019 and took fewer days to lease than Greater Perth.

        Need to break your lease early? Here’s what you need to know..

         Whether it’s for a new job, to take on a gap year, or because   Provide as much notice as possible
         of  changing  family  circumstances,  there  are  plenty  of
         reasons  why  a  tenant  may  find  themselves  in  a  situation   To  minimise  any  possible  costs  it’s  best  to  notify  your
         where they need to move out of their rental home before   landlord or property manager of your intention to leave as
         their lease agreement ends.                           soon as you can. The more notice you provide the easier it
                                                               will  be  to  provide  a  replacement  tenant  for  your  rental,
         Ending a rental agreement prematurely isn’t something that   meaning less is likely to be owed.
         should be taken lightly, but there are steps you can take to
         help minimise the disruption to your landlord, and hopefully   Official notice should be given in writing and should at the
         any costs too.                                        very  least  outline  the  date  you  intend  to  leave  and
                                                               forwarding address if you have one.
         Check your state’s rental laws
                                                               Work with your property manager and landlord
         Rental laws differ from state to state, but in general there
         will be a specified period of notice that you will be required   You may be able to come to a mutual agreement with your
         to provide, and probably break-lease fees that will cover the   property  manager  and  landlord  and  be  able  to  end  your
         cost to re-advertise and re-let.                      lease early, or reduce any associated costs.
         You  may  also  be  required  to  continue  to  pay  rental  costs   Regardless, it’s worth making your best efforts to help find a
         until  a  replacement  tenant  can  be  found,  or  until  the    new tenant for the property.
         end-date of your agreement.                           This might mean keeping the property clean and presentable
         There may be legal circumstances that allow you to leave the   and allowing regular property viewings to take place so that
         property  early,  such  as  financial  hardship,  so  you  really  do   the property gets leased again quickly.
         need to check the rules that apply in your state.
                                                                                  SOURCE: PRONEWS/Issue81February2020
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