Page 3 - Newsletter Issue 10 - March 2020
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6 ways to show your home some love before selling

        Thinking about selling your home this year?            impression  just  right.      Tidy  up  landscaping  and  make
                                                               everything  at  the  front  of  the  property  look  neat  and  tidy.
        Luckily for you it’s a seller’s market in many corners of the   Clear  footpaths  and  driveways,  ensure  the  front  fence  is
        country  right  now,  however  that  doesn’t  mean  that  you   sitting  straight  and  the  property’s  numbers  can  be  clearly
        shouldn’t take the time to give your property a bit of tender   identified.
        loving care before listing it.
                                                               4.   Get out the paintbrush
        A little bit of effort in preparing your property for sale can go   The  front  of  a  house  sets  the  stage  for  the  rest  of  the
        a  long  way  in  helping  buyers  fall  head  over  heels  for  your   property,  so  you  want  to  make  sure  you  get  that  first
        property, which will ultimately help improve your sale price.    impression  just  right.      Tidy  up  landscaping  and  make
                                                               everything  at  the  front  of  the  property  look  neat  and  tidy.
        So where should you concentrate your efforts?          Clear  footpaths  and  driveways,  ensure  the  front  fence  is
                                                               sitting  straight  and  the  property’s  numbers  can  be  clearly
        1.    Clean like you’ve never cleaned before           identified.
        We’re not talking about a standard vacuum or just wiping the
        counters  -  you  need  to  get  into  every  nook  and  cranny  of   5.   Add flowers and plants
        your home to make it shine again.                      Bring a bit of nature indoors to add a bit of energy to a space
        Clean out often-neglected areas like garages and sheds and   and draw attention to areas you want people to focus on. For
        do those chores you might reserve for spring-cleaning, such   instance,  you  may  want  to  take  some  flowers  from  the
        as window or oven cleaning.                            garden and place these in a vase on your dining room table.
                                                               Large pot plants are also good for filling empty spaces around
        2.    Minimise                                         the home, or can be used to frame doorways and entrances.
        Get a head start on the moving process by sorting through
        your things and selling or throwing away anything that is no   6.    Make some small tweaks
        longer wanted or needed.                               You  need  to  be  careful  of  overcapitalising  when  preparing
        Getting rid of large bulky items like unwanted furniture will   your  home  for  sale,  but  you  might  want  to  change  a  few
        make it easier to present your home for open for inspections,   small things to help make your home feel a bit more modern.
        and will save you from having to move so many items to your   For  instance  new  light  fixtures  or  fans  can  bring  an  older
        next home.                                             home into the 21st century, or you might like to replace old
                                                               faucets or door handles.
         3.    Work on kerb appeal
        The  front  of  a  house  sets  the  stage  for  the  rest  of  the
        property,  so  you  want  to  make  sure  you  get  that  first           SOURCE: PRONEWS/Issue81February2020

        How to Modernise your Kitchen without a full-scale

        Renovation… … .

        Nothing feels more satisfying than spending  time in a
        beautifully renovated kitchen.                         “We  developed  the  Dulux  Renovation  Range  for  this  very
                                                               reason,” says Dulux brand manager Romy Nayagam. “It is the
        “It’s  important  that  the  kitchen  is  not  only  functional  but   perfect weekend DIY and can cost less than $400.”
        looks great,” says designer Nickolas Gurtler. “It sets the tone
        for the entire house. If the kitchen looks dated, the rest of the   The  water-based  paint  range  is  designed  to  transform  any
        house will too.”                                       surface in the home, from tired cabinetry and old benchtops
                                                               to outdated tiling, quickly and efficiently.
        Luckily, a big-budget renovation isn’t the only solution if your
        space isn’t quite up to scratch.

        We asked industry experts for their insider tips and tricks for                            A kitchen makeover
        creating a modern and inspiring kitchen without breaking the                               using Dulux’s
        bank.                                                                                      Renovation Range

        A fresh coat of paint

        With the average kitchen renovation costing around $20,000,
        quick inexpensive fixes make for an attractive solution.
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