P. 43


                                                PORTFOLIO RUBRIC

                  Student´s name: Cevallos Muñoz Rita Nicole
                  Syllabus:            English Witing
                  Date:                  January 18,2018

                     ASPECTS TO BE         EXEMPLARY               GOOD                 OK                POOR
                       EVALUATED                2,5                  2                   1,5                 1
                   Format,              The portfolio       The portfolio is     The portfolio shows  The portfolio shows
                   completeness and     contains all the    somewhat organized   little organization   no organization and
                   Organization         elements (8         and may miss one or   and may miss three  may miss more than
                   (1.  Cover page & index,    elements described   two elements.   or four elements.   four elements.
                   (2.  Vision statement, Mision
                     statement, Exit profile   below) in a very
                   (3.  C.V.
                   (4.  Syllabus        organized way.
                   (5.  Statement of personal goals
                     according to each syllabus.
                   (6.  Five evidences
                   (7.  Final Essay
                   8. Rubric with grade of portfolio)
                   Statement of         Demonstrates        Good reflection about  Statement may be   Many language
                   Personal Learning    honest and complex  future goals, some   short and insincere,  errors that make it
                   Goals                understanding of    parts could use      demonstrates little   difficult to
                                        learning goals,     elaboration or further   reflection about   understand, little or
                                        relates goals to    analysis, some       goals and how it   no reflection about
                                        current syllabus,   language errors that   relates to class,   future goals and
                                        few or no language   don´t affect        many language      current syllabus.
                                        errors.             comprehension.       errors.
                   Final essay          The final essay     The final essay      The final essay    The final essay
                   (Students from 3     explains how the    explains how the     explains how the   does not give a
                   to 9  semester)      learning outcomes of  learning outcomes of   learning outcomes   good explanation of
                                        the current syllabus  the current syllabus   of the current   how the learning
                                        respond to the      responds to the      syllabus responds   outcomes of the
                                        Program´s exit      Program´s exit profile  to the Program´s   current syllabus
                                        profile in a very clear  in a very good way.   exit profile in a good  responds to the
                                        and complete way.                        way.               Program´s exit
                                                                                                    profile in a good

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