Page 10 - ITG June Newsletter
P. 10

MEET THE TEAM          لمعلا قيرف لىع فرعت

           The Infrastructure

                  Design and

             Operations Team

          You  might  know  them  as  the
          “admins” or simply...
              The problem solvers

          They  are  mainly  responsible  for
          providing  timely  and  efficient  tech-
          nical  support  to  ITG’s  employees in
          all  branches,  and  for  the  effective
          provisioning,  installation/  configura-
          tion, operation, and maintenance of
          systems hardware and software and
          related  infrastructure.  Also,  they in-
          sure  that  system  hardware,  operat-
          ing  systems,  software  systems,
          storage, and related procedures ad-
          here  to  organizational  needs  and
          standards  while  enabling  staff  to
          perform their job functions, and as-
          sist the concerned teams with infra-
          structure and security issues related
          to  projects.  In  addition  to  perform-
          ing  regular  system  and  security
          monitoring  and  backup  operations,
          among many other tasks.

          As a result, the team faces a bunch
          of  challenges  daily.  They’d  spend
          days,  and  sometimes  nights,  work-
          ing nonstop to find a solution to an
          issue that, in most cases, can’t wait.
          Not to mention the timing difference  they  had  some  work  to  be  done  when he lost 30 KGs in only four and
          between ITG’s branches that results  while everyone is out.         a  half  months  by  following  a  diet
          in  having  no  limitation  of  working                             system  and  swimming  on  a  daily
          hours.  Also,  it  makes  things  more                              basis. As for his big goal in life, he
          challenging to work on solving tech-  The team is led by Mr.  Mohammad   aims  to  build  and  own  hotel  apart-
          nical  problems  via  remote  desktop   Kehail,  who  graduated  in  2002   ments that will be used by the stu-
          (country to country) especially when   from  Al-Ahliyya  Amman  University   dents  who  will  be  studying  at  the
          there are no technical support guys   majoring  in  Computer  Science.  In   Jordanian-Chinese University, a pro-
          in the other branch.              2003, Kehail began his journey with   ject  that  is  under  examination  of
                                            ITG  completing  his  14   anniversary   possibility until this very moment.
                                            next  October.  Mohammad,  also
          They shared with us an unforgetta- known as Abu Al-Waleed, is married   When we asked his team to describe
          ble memory; when they once had to  and has four kids including a beauti-  him  they  all  said  they’re  lucky  to
          stay  over  the  weekend  in  the  com- ful twin daughters. On weekends, he   have  a  team  leader  they  can  call  a
          munication room – the place where  likes  to  play  the  cards  game  (Trix)   brother.  A  person  they  can  always
          all devices are connected via switch- with his brothers, he also likes to go   turn  to  whenever  a  problem  comes
          es, to work on an issue that required  with  his  kids  to  Al-Hussein  Public   up.
          all services to be down. On that day  Parks  where  they  enjoy  having
          the  police  came  suspecting  their  breakfast or to the Traffic Garden so   As  for  Mr. Kamel  Hassan,  he  is a
          work  all  night  on  vacation  days.  they  can  learn  while  playing,  or  to   motivated  Network  Administrator
          They had to convince the police they  go horse riding in the Arabian Horse   who  finished  his  diploma  degree  in
          were employees in the company and  Club.  Abu  Al-Waleed  talked  about   IT from the Arab College in 2005. He
                                            one of his biggest life achievements   worked for ten months at the Com-

         ITG Newsletter |  June Issue |  Page 10                                                                                       Empowering People through Technology
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