Page 11 - ITG June Newsletter
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puter Center in University of Jordan,  there’s any word that could describe
         and  then  worked  for  another  nine  Zakariah it is “Super”.         Tips and Advices to
         months  in  Sarayah  Nour  Al-Deen  for
         Computer  Services,  to  join  ITG  after                                loose your weight
         that in 2008 with a total of nine years   Outside work, Zakariah leans to relax-
         of experience.                     ing  and  enjoying  some  time  with
                                            friends  in  a  café  smoking  Shisha.  A
                                            thing he also enjoys doing during the      كنزل ةراسمل تاتيجوت ل حئاصن
         Kamel is married and has two beauti- lunch  break  every  day.  And  when
         ful  daughters,  he  likes  to  separate  Zakariah was asked to point out one
         work  from  his  personal  life  and  be- of  his  life  goals,  he  stated  that  he
         lieves it’s the best way to maintain a  intends starting his own business far
         healthy  life  and  keep  a  balance  be- from the IT world.
         tween the two. When he’s home, he
         tends to visit relatives and neighbors
         to  check  up  on  them.  Kamel  finds   As for Mr.  Ahmad  Al-Farkh, he is
         himself  to  be  his  father’s  backbone   an IT Helpdesk Specialist who started
         being  the  oldest  child  of  the  family.   his  studies  in  Communication  Engi-
         He  is  also  the  vice  president  of  the   neering  at  the  Yarmouk  Private  Uni-
         family’s Diwan serving his clan in eve-  versity in Syria completing four years
         ry possible way.                   there, and then moved to Jordan and
                                            earned  his  B.Sc.  from  Philadelphia
                                            University  in  2015.  He  started  as  a
         When he is free, he spends time rid- trainee in ITG in the same year while
         ing horses and making political analy- studying, and now has a total experi-
         sis; also, as most of you know, Kamel  ence  of  two  years.  Ahmad  is  de-
         works  on  developing  his  hobby  of  scribed  by  his  colleagues  as  reliable
         weather   forecasting   by   reading  and  ambitious  because  he  always
         weather  maps  and  comparing  his  seeks to develop himself professional-
         conclusions with the real results and  ly  to  make  sure  he’s  on  the  right
         occasionally  publishing  them  in  his  track  to  reach  his  goals  workwise.
         Facebook  page  سقطلل  دصارلا  he  Ahmad  believes  that  in  order  to
         became  a  reference  to  everyone  in  achieve  one’s  big  goal  in  life,  they
         ITG especially in winter when there is  have  to  accompany  it  with  several
         a snow potential and a holiday is ex- smaller  goals  that  form  the  ladder
         pected to take place.              steps to the bigger one. This is why
                                            he aims to learn more by taking pro-
         Kamel is known among his colleagues   fessional development courses.    Determination
         as  a  reliable  person  who  never  says   In his free time, Ahmad plays football
         NO  to  anything  that  could  come  up   with  his  friends,  and  he  also  likes
         any  minute  at  work.  His  colleague,   watching the Spanish League football
         Ahmad, said that Kamel is the person   matches and cheering for his favorite   is the Key
         who always got his back and is with   team,  the  Royal,  Real  Madrid.  He
         him  through  thick  and  thin.  Kamel   added that his passion in the game is
         prefers  to  take  things  slowly  and   getting out of control as he finds him-
         move one step at a time on the way   self  strongly  influenced  by  a  match  The  key  to  staying  motivated  to
         of reaching his goals. He aims to own   result for days.             lose  weight  is  similar  to  the
         a house and start his own business.                                  amount of fuel in a car—you don't
                                            Relationships  are  the  foundation  of  need the motivation tank to be full
         In his turn, Mr.  Zakariah  Salhab is   teamwork.  Teams  fail  to  execute  to drive, you just need to prevent
         a Senior System Admin, who graduat-  when relationships are poor and suc-  it from running empty.
         ed from Mutah University with a B.Sc.   ceed  when  strong.  The  admins  are
         in Computer Engineering in 2012. He   aware of the great value of this and
         worked  for  three  years  in  different   thus  they  like  spending  quality  time   Says Mohammad Khail
         companies  before  joining  ITG  in   together  outside  working  hours,  and
         2015.  Zakariah  is  a  real  pistol  both   currently planning to going on a trip      ي
         inside  and  outside  work,  a  person   to relieve work stress. They found out  ةراسخ ديرت اتلجأ  م نلا بامسلأا دد
         with  a  lot  of  verve  and  personality.   that  such  time  not  only  allows  them       كنزل
         He always comes to work full of ener-  to  get  to  know  each  other  better  as
                                            colleagues  from  different  disciplines,   Decide why do you want to loose
         gy  and  motivation  to  start  the  day.
         Considering that he’s the team’s con-  but  also  gave  a  creative  space  for     weight
         tact  point  with  ITG  USA  branch,  his   wider work-related discussions.
         Team  Leader  Abu  Al-Waleed  counts
         on  him  in  providing  support  miles   When  we  asked  the  admins  what  is       كفادهأ عضو  مق
         away. This is a double-edged sword;   their most favorite thing in ITG, they     Setup your goals
         as  all  Zakariah’s  team  members   all  agreed  that  it  is  the  friendly  at-
         agreed  that  it  is  sometimes impossi-  mosphere the company provides urg-
         ble  to  wake  him  up  to  work  taking   ing them to give more every day, and
         into consideration the time difference   the way employees treat each other;      ةي امصلا ةيعيجشتلا تاراعشلا بتكأ
         between Jordan and USA and the fact   in  addition  to  how  concerned  is  the    Write your morning mantra
         that  he’s  requested  to  do  work  at   Management  with  the  employees’
         night. Abu Al-Waleed stressed that he   comfort.  Nonetheless,  if  they  could
         believes Zakariah has proved himself   change one thing about ITG, they all        ةي اجيإ  ر ف
         capable  of  doing  the  job  ever  since   agreed  that  the  long  working  hours
         he  joined  the  team,  and  added:  “if   during Ramadan is a must change.     Think Positive

         Empowering People through Technology                                                                                       ITG Newsletter |  June Issue |  Page 11
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