Page 36 - Nurturing the Nurturer 2018 Flip Page Program
P. 36

Partial Indulgences
          •No longer to be assessed in function of time (days, months, years).
          •Instead, the value of an indulgence depends on "the action itself of the
          faithful who perform a work to which an indulgence is attached.”

          Two elements specify the value of such an action:
          •"the charity of the one performing the act"
          •"the degree to which the act itself is performed in a more
             perfect way.“ (Pope Paul the VI)

          Further,  in keeping with this principle, a partial indulgence is "a
          remission of punishment through the intervention of the Church," that equals
          the value of the action as performed by the person.

          As it grants an indulgence the Church promises to match the "merit" that accrues to
          the person who seeks the indulgence and performs the required work. This is what
          makes indulgences so important and amazing!

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