Page 41 - Nurturing the Nurturer 2018 Flip Page Program
P. 41
This blessed integration leads to a joy and “peace that surpasses all understand-
ing” (Philippians 4:7) because of the presence of Risen Christ in every aspect of life.
Indulgences are a great aid to growing in holiness (intimacy with God) and can increase a
person’s capacity to love God and others by 100-fold. In Baptism, the seeds of Faith,
Hope & Charity (love) were planted in our souls. In order for them to grow they have to
be nurtured. Indulgences are one of the ways that God provides the Christian with
opportunities to practice Faith, Hope and Charity in the course of everyday life. These
concrete acts then become the vessel (a living well) for God to fill with “living water” of
his Holy Spirit.
Concrete Examples of Indulgences (1st general grant)
Act of Faith - in a difficult
situation. A person has just lost
someone they love in a tragic
accident and they are confused
about why God would allow
this. But deep down inside Faith
begins to rise up and they think,
“God is love and just because I
don’t understand or feel this
right now, doesn't mean that it is
not true.” At that moment she
makes an act of Faith by saying,
“Jesus, I trust in you!” I offer
this up for the Holy Souls in Pur-
gatory. This act of Faith helps
the Holy Souls and opens her
heart to receive the living water
of the Holy Spirit in a fuller
measure and her love for God increases and she begins to experience peace.
Act of Love - A woman is at work and is broken-hearted because some of her co-workers
are gossiping about her. She begins to get very angry and is about to react with angry
words. Deep down inside Charity begins to rise up and she thinks “Instead of reacting in a
negative way, I can offer this suffering up as a prayer for the Holy Souls in Purgatory.”
This she does right away by praying “Dear Jesus, I open this suffering up to you. Please
come into it with your love and unite it with your perfect sacrifice and use it as a channel
of your grace for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Thank you for giving me meaning and
purpose in my suffering!” This act of Love helps the Holy Souls and opens her heart to
receive the living water of the Holy Spirit in a fuller measure and her love for God &
others increases.
Often, it is necessary to make the same act of Faith, Hope and/or Love over and over
again as the waves of sorrow and suffering wash over us repeatedly. God receives each
one of them as a precious gift and he always returns them with the blessing of a fuller
measure of his presence.