Page 43 - Nurturing the Nurturer 2018 Flip Page Program
P. 43

The Four Reasons for the Incarnation
                  (i.e. God becoming man) & How It

               Relates to the Mass (i.e. the Eucharist)

             If you ever want to know how much God loves you and
             how much he has done for his people over the course
             of human history, just open up the scriptures. You’ll see
             a father who cares for his children so much that he even sent his only son to save us
             from our sins.

                                                          Jesus Christ is unlike any other person who has
                                                          ever walked the planet. Now that might seem
                                                          like a really obvious statement but think about
                                                          it – no other religious leader of consequence
                                                          ever actually claimed to be God except for
                                                          Jesus and no one ever backed it up like Jesus
                                                          did. All those religious leaders like Buddha,
                                                          Mohammed never actually claimed to be God
                                                          except for Jesus Christ. This itinerant carpenter
                                                          minister from this nowhere town Nazareth
                                                          shows up on the scene and literally claims to be
                                                          God. And people follow him. And he does
                                                          things that no one else can do   because that is
                                                          how God works – he does what we cannot do.

                                                          You might say to yourself why, why would God
                                                          come to earth, why would God take flesh? You
                                                          see, all the way back in Genesis, everything is
                                                          going really well until sin enters; until Adam
             and Eve out of their pride choose themselves and sin enters and now we have a problem
             because sin pushes out God’s divine life that we call GRACE (God’s life in us) and
             when we choose ourselves and sin enters God loves us so much that he actually creates
             a plan to save us from ourselves, a plan
             to redeem us; he has a plan to send us a
             savior. We hear about it all the away back
             in chapter 3 of Genesis that God is going
             to send us a savior and his name is Jesus
             (which means God saves). But century
             after century God kept trying to gather
             his family back to himself; he kept trying
             to save us from ourselves; and we would
             lean in for a while; we would follow God
             for a while but then they would break
             their end of the

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