Page 42 - Nurturing the Nurturer 2018 Flip Page Program
P. 42

Have you ever sat back and
                        wondered why God would
                  command us to go to Church each
                  Sunday, to keep holy the Sabbath,
                     to attend Mass every Sunday,
                        under pain of mortal sin?

            Why would God make us go through this? Is it because God wants us to be miserable or
            is there something deeper? He calls us to sacrifice; he calls us to worship not because he
            needs it but because we need it. It’s really pretty simple actually. Mass is a meal with
            our family – with our brothers and sisters; with our father when God wants to tell us
            something; God wants to speak to us – he wants to feed us. Like any good family we eat
            together. But what about all the extra stuff? What about all the smells and the bells – the
            candles and the robes and the stain glass – why do we worship this way? It’s because
            we’re stepping out of our world and stepping into his in that hour at Mass. It’s not so
            much God coming down as it is him lifting us up. The   problem is not with God, it is
            with us. There is more than meets the eye.

                                                                               If you were like me you
                                                                               didn’t learn a lot about the
                                                                               Mass when you were grow-
                                                                               ing up. You had to be there
                                                                               but you didn’t really
                                                                               understand it. When you
                                                                               really understand the Mass,
                                                                               things come to life in a new
                                                                               way. When you learn a few
                                                                               things about why we use this;
                                                                               why we say this; why we do
                                                                               this at this time – the Mass is
                                                                               no longer boring. The Mass
                                                                               is actually incredible. It’s
                                                                               captivating. We just have to
                                                                               know a little bit more about
                                                                               what’s going on because to
                                                                               be a Catholic means you look
                                                                               past what you see on the

            To be a Catholic means you understand there is a deeper reality – there are mystical
            realities. When we go to Mass it is not just about history, it is about mystery. Because as
            Catholics, things are not always what they seem. Learn more about that in the
            following articles.

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