Page 48 - Nurturing the Nurturer 2018 Flip Page Program
P. 48

This is the attitude we bring to the Mass. We give ourselves to the   Father through
               the sacrifice of Jesus, and then the Father gives himself to us through the Eucharist.

                                                                               Consecration

                                                                             The Bread & Wine  become the
                                                                             Body, Blood, Soul & Divinity
                                                                             of Christ - The  Eucharist. The
                                                                             moment when the priest says:
                                                                             “Take this all of you and eat of
                                                                             it, for this is my body.” At this
                                                                             moment the bread is entirely

                                                                             changed to the body of Christ
                                                                             and the wine is entirely
                                                                             transformed into the blood of

                                                                             No matter what we think or
                                                                             believe, the bread and wine,
                                                                             after the words of consecration,
                                                                             are gone. Jesus Christ is truly
                                                                             present – body, blood, soul and
                                                                             divinity. This is why the

                                                                             Catholic Church teaches that
                                                                             by the consecration of the
               bread, there takes place a change of the whole substance of the bread and the whole
               substance of the wine to become the body and blood of our Lord and we will be in
               the physical presence of Jesus Christ.

            Holy Communion

               We receive the Eucharist and are united physically & spiritually with Christ and his
               divine life is poured into our souls in the measure we are open to receive it. It is
               strength for the journey; above all, strength to love unconditionally and sacrificially.
               If we cooperate with this grace by doing our best to grow in virtue, then over time,
               the perfect love of his sacred heart gradually transforms our hearts and we are given
               the capacity to love others with His perfect love.  Our hearts are enlarged and
               ability to love increases. We are conformed to Christ.

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