Page 1 - RCES News Letter 1 May_Neat
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News & Views Rotary Club Eastern Seaboard May 2019
A word from our President
Greetings to all members, supporters and friends of Rotary Club
Eastern Seaboard. Welcome to the first of, I hope, our regular
club updates in magazine form.
I feel that I have to start my message with an apology for not
producing this publication much sooner. It has been discussed
for a couple of years but has finally come to fruition. I hope you will
find the articles both informative and inspirational.
As I come to the final few months of my 2 year term as president it is good for me to
reflect on the successes that we have had.
You will read in the magazine of our water projects within Thailand and into Myanmar
providing clean water to in excess of 2,500 homes, the enlarging of the school that we
built in Laos, our ongoing support of the ASEAN Education Centre and many others.
I am personally very proud to be associated with the club, please enjoy reading this
newsletter and all future editions..
Brian J Songhurst.
Three New Classrooms for Laos
March 2019. A Proud Day for RCES and Aad & Witha Scholtes. John Cooper joined us at our fel-
Thank you to all who made it happen, the opening and hand over of three new classrooms,
lowship dinner and presented
now added to the Nung Sawang school, Pakse.
President Brian Songhurst with a
With the excellent funding and support from Aad & Witha Scholtes, RCES built a new
cheque for 30,000 THB District
school for the eighty children in the village of Nung Sawang. It proved to be so successful
Grant on behalf of Bexhill Rotary
that three years later, we were asked if three extra classrooms could be added. Once
again Aad & Witha Scholtes with friends and family agreed to fund the project. Now we Club UK for the purchase of two
have a fine school with seven classrooms and full recognition from the Education Authori- Air Con Units for the children’s
ties of Laos. (More on this next month) bedrooms at Take Care Kids foun-
dation. John thanked the club for
the kind welcome he received
from the members and compli-
mented all the good work our club
RCES does.