Page 2 - RCES News Letter 1 May_Neat
P. 2

New FORCES in Switzerland

                                         Our member Suree Phasuk presented FORCES (Friends Of Rotary Club Eastern
                                         Seaboard) certificates to Nuannuk Huber Kariram, Widmer Rungnapha, Palada
                                         Studer & Kanokwan Oertle, who like herself reside in Switzerland but are keen
                                         to support our humanitarian activities in their country of birth.

            Suree and Adolf show us with FORCES how you can get your Family

            and friends involved in our projects.

                                        Christmas Bags 2019

                                         Rotarians Gary Williamson,
                                         Carl R Dyson, Peter Barnwell,
                                         Veronique Waas-Jobin, Suree
                                         Pasuk, Brian Songhurst, Joy
                                         Keolaphuomy, Aad & Witha
                                         Scholtes  and Ket Abbink
                                         delivering Christmas bags to
                                         migrant children's schools
                                         Near Mae Sot, NW Thailand.
        Past President Carl Dyson, Rtn.
        Joy Keolaphoumy, Rtn. Ket Ab-
        bink and Past President
        Jan Abbink congratulate our in-
        coming District Governor Kh.
        Maruyai and his wife at the Dis-
        trict Training Assembly Gala Din-
        ner in Terminmal 21 Korat on the
        20th. April 2019.

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