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P. 4

4.  We’ve listened to the pupils’ information. Ask my questions, please.

               -  How many printed books and manuscripts does the Brinish Museum contain?

               -  Where’s the Tate Modern located?

               -  In which museum can we see the samples of all banknotes?

               -  Which museum includes models of the first London bus?

               -  Where can you get acquainted with the history of the fleet?

               -  Where’s the collection of dinosaurs and cartoon exhibition?

               -  Where can we see the collection of Muslim countries?

               -  In which museum all the paintings are exhibited in chronological order?

               -  What was the address of Sherlock Holmes?

               5.  Now I’d like to tell you about London’s theatres as theatre in the United Kingdom play an
                   important part in British culture. By medieval period theatre had developed with mummers’ plays.
                   These were folk tales retelling old stories and actors travelled from town to town performing these
                   for their audience in return for money. Now there are over 50 theatres in London’s West End. The
                   most famous are:

                                                                                                     The Royal National Theatre

                                           which combines three theaters that show a variety of plays and
                                           performances. Besides musicals and actors, the theatre is known for its
                                           ghosts, for example, the ghost of a man, dressed in a grey suit and a
                                           cocked hat. According to the legend he was killed in the theatre building
                                           in the 18-19 centuries. Another ghost named Joseph Grimaldi, a clown,
                                           which is said to help nervous actors on stage.

                                                The Royal Court Theatre

                                                The Royal Court Theatre, which is located in Kensington and
                                                Chelsea, made an enormous contribution to the development of
                                                modern theatre. It was founded in 1870. Interestingly, the original
                                                theatre was located in a reconstructed church, and only in 1888
                                                moved to its own building on the same street. In repertoire there are
                                                British and foreign plays.

                                                                   London’s Piccadilly Theatre

                                                 London’s Piccadilly Theatre is one of the newest venues, opening
                                                 in April 1928. Since opening in 1928, the Piccadilly Theatre has
                                                 been used for a wide range of entertainment, spanning from cinema
                                                 to ballets and dramas. Their opening musical, Blue Eyes, starred
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