Page 5 - F Stop November 2017
P. 5

By Greg McMillan
A very popular means of learning something new, or just having a way to pass the time, is listening to podcasts. I’ve been listening to podcasts for over ten years now and that’s how I learned a lot of what I know today about computers and other technology. I never took a course, classes, schooling, anything. Everything I know about this stuff is from podcasts and of course, Google searches.
There are podcasts on the internet about a lot of things, and the subject of photography is no exception. You can learn about things from new techniques to where to find the best locations to shoot. There are podcasts by many pro photographers who discuss shooting, editing, workflows, and gear. and a lot of these shows are video as well as audio.
My pal Don Komarechka has, in recent years, appeared on This Week in Photo with Frederick Van Johnson, and even had his own show on that network called Inside the Lens. The TWiP network went dark shortly after so Don's show was short-lived, however, the network has now returned, without Don. But that's ok.
Don has started his own podcast called Photo Geek Weekly. In the first episode, he discusses the news surrounding Lightroom and the changes Adobe has made to the popular editing program. Don's show will be fairly technical in nature but boy, will it be interesting.
While I'm talking about podcasts, most of our members will
already know this, but I have recently been added to the crew of a
podcast about iPhone photography called Tiny Shutter. As many podcasts as there are on the internet, it's the only one out there dedicated to iPhone photography, at least in my searches it is. And we include other
aspects of mobile photography in our discussions, like Android phones and such, but the emphasis is mostly on iPhones. We discuss techniques of course, but we also talk about apps and the news in the mobile photography space. I'm the Canadian guy on a show with two, sometimes three, chaps from the U.S., who are just like me: just your average guy who is passionate about iPhone photography. These guys are great to listen to and even better to talk to.
Photo Geek Weekly:
Tiny Shutter: and you can listen live Thursday nights at 9:30 EST at 

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