Page 451 - Western Civilization A Brief History, Volume I To 1715 9th - Jackson J. Spielvogel
P. 451

Agriculture: in 16th century, 352; Assyrian, 38; Columbian Exchange and, 351; in Egypt, 17; in Hellenistic world, 85; in Middle Ages, 199, 200–202, 250; Neolithic, 4, 5; in Rome, 129; three-field system of, 201–2. See also Land
Agrippina (Rome), 132
Ahuramazda (god), 44–45, 138–39
Ain Ghazal, statue from, 5
Akbar (Mughal Empire), 342
Akhenaten (Egypt), 20, 21
Akhetaten (city), 20
Akkadian empire, 10
Akkadian language, 10 (tab.)
Alaric (Visigoth), 150
Albany, New York, 347
Alberti, Leon Battista, 274–75, 278 Albigensian heresy, 238, 238
Albuquerque, Afonso d’, 330
Alchemy, 387
Alcohol, in Middle Ages, 180
Alcuin, 178
Ale, 180, 202
Alemanni people, 147, 150
Alexander (movie), 79, 79
Alexander VI (Pope), 281, 297
Alexander Nevsky, 231
Alexander the Great, 73, 73–74, 76; Aristotle
and, 66; Arrian on, 78; at Battle of Issus, 76, 80; conquests by, 74, 76–81, 77 (map); Judah and, 32; legacy of, 78–81
Alexandria, Egypt, 76, 83, 85; bishop of, 149; culture in, 85; population of, 125
Alexius I Comnenus (Byzantine Empire), 241, 242
Alfonso VIII (Castile), 227
Alfonso X (Castile), 227
Algebra, Islamic, 195
Ali (Muhammad’s son-in-law), 168–69 Allah, 166–67
Alliances: Hanseatic League as, 276; Hittite- Egyptian, 29; Peloponnesian League as, 58
Allies, Roman, 103, 115, 150
Alphabet: Cyrillic (Slavonic), 191; Greek, 36
(tab.), 52; Latin, 36 (tab.), 98; Phoenician,
35, 36 (tab.), 52. See also Writing Alva, duke of, 321
Amazon region, 336
Amenhotep IV (Egypt). See Akhenaten
America(s): European empires in, 345–47;
horses in, 348; naming of, 333; voyages
to, 327, 328. See also New World American Indians. See Indians (Native
Amiens, 217
Amish, 312
Amman, Jordan, Ain Ghazal near, 5 Ammianus Marcellinus, 151 Amon-Re (god), 20
Amores (Ovid), 130
Amorites (Old Babylonians), 10 Amsterdam, 353
An (god), 12
Anabaptists, 312
Anatolia, 29, 241. See also Turkey
Anatomy, 394, 397
Ancestors: Chinese, 349; Roman, 111 al-Andalus (Spain), 193
Andalusia, 227
Andes Mountains, 336
Angkor kingdom (Cambodia), 342 Angles, 154
Anglican Church. See Church of England Anglo-Dutch trade wars, 351 Anglo-Saxons, in England, 154, 222–23 Animals: in Columbian Exchange, 351; in
Neolithic period, 4, 5; in Paleolithic
period, 3, 4
Anjou, France, 224, 292
Anjou family, in Naples, 261
Annals (Tacitus), 132
Anne (England), 376
Antapodosis (Liudprand of Cremona), 189 Anthemius of Tralles, 164
Anthony (Saint), 157
Antigone (Sophocles), 63
Antigonid dynasty (Macedonia), 81 Antigonus Gonatus (Macedonia), 81 Antioch: bishop of, 149; in Crusades, 243;
population of, 125
Antiochus IV (Seleucid), 91 Anti-Semitism: Black Death and, 253;
medieval, 238–39. See also Jews and
Antonine dynasty, 137
Antoninus Pius (Rome), 125
Antony, Mark, 115–16
Antwerp, 353
Apennine Mountains, 95
Aphrodite (goddess), 67
Apollo (god), 67
Apostles, 141–42
Appian Way (Via Appia), 101
Apprentices, medieval, 211
Aqueducts, 111, 125, 126
Aquinas. See Thomas Aquinas
Aquitaine, 224
Arab Empire, 170
Arabia, Rome and, 125
Arabian peninsula, at time of Muhammad,
166, 167
Arabian Sea, 167
Arabic language, 194
Arabs and Arab world: cities and, 209; Islam
and, 165–70; in Middle Ages, 192–95; Portugal and, 330; trade in, 166, 167. See also Islam; Middle East
Aragon, 227; house of, 262
Aramaic language, 10 (tab.)
Archaic Greece, 54
Archbishops, 233
Archelaus (Macedonia), 74
Arches, in Gothic cathedrals, 217, 218 Archimedes and Archimedian screw, 88–89,
Architecture: Byzantine, 163–64; classical
style (Greece), 64, 64–65; Gothic, 217, 217–18, 218; Greek columns in, 64; in Italian Renaissance, 287, 288; monumental, 6; Roman, 111, 129; Romanesque, 216, 216–17; Sumerian, 7
Archons (Athens), 58
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Italicized page numbers show the locations of illustrations. Maps (map) and tables (tab.) are indicated separately.
al-Abbas, Abu, 192
Abbasid caliphate, 192–93, 193 (map), 231,
241 Abbess, 160
Abbot, 158, 221
Abd al-Rahman I (Umayyad), 193 Abolition of slavery, 339
Abortion, 179
Abraham (patriarch), 30
Absolutism: in central Europe, 366–68; in
eastern Europe, 368–70; limits of, 370–71; in Ottoman Empire, 370; in Russia, 368–70; in western Europe, 358, 362–66
Abu Bakr, 168
Abu Simbel, Temple of Ramesses II at, 24 Account of the Court of Attila the Hun, An
(Priscus), 151–52
‘‘Accusation of the Ritual Murder of a
Christian Child by Jews, An,’’ 240 Achaean League, 82 (map) Achaemenid dynasty (Persia), 40 Achilles (Greek hero), 52, 52
Acre, 245
Acropolis, 54, 60; Parthenon in Athens and, 64 Actium, Battle of, 116
Act of Supremacy (England), 313, 322 Address to Philip (Isocrates), 75
Address to the Nobility of the German Nation
(Luther), 305
Administration. See Government
Adoration of the Magi (Du¨rer), 291, 293 Adriatic Sea, 95
Adultery: in Egypt, 24; in Frankish culture,
156; in Rome, 124 Aediles (Rome), 98 Aegean region, 49, 51, 60 Aegospotami, battle at, 62 Aeneid (Virgil), 129 Aeolian Greeks, 51
Aequi people, 99
Aeschylus, 63
Affonso of Congo (Bakongo), 339
Africa: Carthaginian territory as, 102; human
origins in, 2; Portugal and, 329; Romanization in, 126; slaves and, 338–39, 340. See also specific locations
Afterlife, in Egypt, 19
Against Celsus (Origen of Alexandria), 140–41 Agamemnon (Mycenae), 51, 52
Age of Pericles (Athens), 60
Agincourt, Battle of, 256
Agora, 54
Agrarian society, medieval, 187
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