Page 452 - Western Civilization A Brief History, Volume I To 1715 9th - Jackson J. Spielvogel
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Archpoet, Confession of Golias, 215 Arena Chapel, Padua, 268
Arete (excellence), 53
Arian Christianity, 149–50, 152, 154 Aristarchus of Samos, 88 Aristocracy. See Nobility Aristophanes, 63–64
Aristotle, 66; Christianity and, 214; medieval learning and, 194, 214, 386; on motion, 387; Politics by, 66–67, 69; in School of Athens, 289; science and, 88
Arius. See Arian Christianity
Armada (Spain), 324
Armed forces. See Military; Navy; Wars and
Arms and armaments. See Weapons Arretium, 129
Arrian (historian), 74, 75
Arsinoe¨ II (Egypt), 85, 87
Ars moriendi (art of dying), 254
Art(s): artists, society, and, 290; Assyrian,
38; Baroque, 378–79, 379; Black Death and, 253–54; as characteristic of civilizations, 6; classical ideal in, 64–65; Classicism in, 380; in Egypt, 18, 20; Hellenistic, 87, 87–88, 88; Mannerism in, 378; Mesopotamian, 13–14; in Renaissance, 286–92; Roman, 111.
See also specific arts and artists Artisans: in Athens, 68; in Egypt, 18, 18;
medieval, 207, 209
Art of Love, The (Ovid), 131
Asceticism, of monasticism, 157, 158–59 Ashur (god), 38
Ashurbanipal (Assyria), 36, 37, 39 Ashurnasirpal II (Assyria), 38
Asia: European involvement in, 339–42, 341,
353; Mongols in, 230, 250–51; nomads from, 230; Portugal and, 339–40, 342, 348; Roman province in, 104; water route to, 329. See also Southeast Asia; Southwest Asia
Asia Minor: Alexander the Great in, 76; Byzantine Empire and, 245; Celtic attacks on, 82; Greece and, 60; Ottoman Turks from, 296; Persian Empire and, 40, 42, 43
Assemblies: in Athens, 59, 60; in Rome, 98, 99. See also Parliament
Assimilation: by Assyrians, 38; by Hittite Empire, 29; of Magyars, 181; of Vikings, 183, 191
Assyrian Empire, 36–39, 36 (map); governing of, 39; Israel and, 30, 31, 33; military in, 37–38; Phoenicians and, 36; Samaria and, 30; society and culture in, 38
Assyrian language, 10 (tab.) Astarte (goddess), 90 Astrolabe, 195, 329 Astrology, 387
Astronomy, 213; Hellenistic, 88; Islamic, 195; megaliths and, 28; Scientific Revolution and, 387–93; Sumerians and, 14; women in, 395–96
Atahualpa (Inca), 336 Atargatis (goddess), 90 Aten (god), 20, 21 Athanasius (Saint), 150
414 Index
Athena (goddess), 67
Athenian Empire, 60–61, 62
Athens, 49, 58–59; classical architecture in,
64, 64–65; Delian League and, 60; democracy in, 49, 59, 60, 61; drama in, 63–64; empire in, 60–61, 62; government of, 58–59; in Hellenistic world, 85; imperialism of, 60–61, 62; lifestyle in classical period, 68–70; Macedonians and, 74; navy of, 59, 60, 62; Persia and, 42, 59–60; philosophers of, 65–67; as polis, 54; Sparta and, 48–49; Thucydides and, 62–63; women in, 68, 68, 69–70. See also Peloponnesian War
Athletes, Greek, 67
Atlantic Ocean region: slave trade in,
338–39, 340; Vikings in, 183
Attalid dynasty (Pergamum), 81
Attalus I (Pergamum), 82
Attica, 49, 54. See also Athens
Attila the Hun, 151–52
Augsburg, Peace of, 309, 309 (map) Augusta Treverorum (Roman city), 127 Augustine of Hippo (Saint), 159, 161–62 Augustinians, 304
Augustus (Octavian, Rome), 115–16, 120, 121–24, 122, 126 (map)
Aurelian (Rome), 138
Australopithecines, 2
Austria: Habsburg dynasty and, 295; Italy
and, 368; Ottomans and, 296, 309; revolts in, 362. See also Austrian Netherlands
Austrian Empire: growth of, 367–68, 368 (map). See also Austria
Austrian Netherlands, 367–68, 368 (map). See also Belgium; Spanish Netherlands
Auxiliaries (Rome), 122
Avars, 176, 230
Averroe¨s, 214
Avicenna (Ibn Sina), 195
Avignon, pope at, 263–64, 263 (map), 265 Azara, Felix de, 349
Aztec people, 334, 334–36 Babur (Mughal Empire), 342
Babylon and Babylonia, 10; Alexander the Great in, 77; Ashurbanipal’s conquest of, 39; Assyria and, 37; Chaldeans in, 40; Nebuchadnezzar in, 40; Persians and, 40. See also Amorites; Mesopotamia; Neo- Babylonian Empire
Babylonian captivity, of Jews, 31–32 Babylonian Captivity of the Church (Luther),
Babylonian language, 10 (tab.)
Bacchae, The (Euripides), 63
Bacon, Francis, 398–99
Baghdad: construction of, 192–93; library in,
194; Mongols in, 231; Muslims in, 241; observatory at, 195; population in, 209; trade and, 193
Bahamas, 333
Balance of power, in Italy, 279–80 Balkan region: civilization in, 28; Eastern
Roman Empire in, 165; Ottoman Empire in, 296, 370; Rome and, 138
Ball, John, 255
Baltic region: in 18th century, 352–53;
Russia and, 369, 371 (map); Vikings in,
Balto-Slavic languages, 29 (tab.)
Banking: in Amsterdam, 353; commercial
capitalism and, 353; Medici and, 276 Baptism, 142, 237, 307, 312, 313
Bar (French province), 292
Barbados, 346
Barons (England), 224
Baroque arts, characteristics of, 378–79, 379 Basel, 310
Basil II (Byzantine Empire), 188
Basilicas: Romanesque, 216, 216–17; of Saint
Peter, 298, 379
Basques, Charlemagne and, 174
Batavia (Jakarta), 341, 341
Baths: in medieval cities, 211; in Rome, 127,
Bavaria and Bavarians, 160, 176, 261
Bayeux tapestry, 223
Bay of Naples, 127
Bedouins, 166, 167
Beijing, 231, 344
Belgium: medieval trade and, 206; Spain and,
321. See also Austrian Netherlands; Low
Belgrade, 370
Belisarius, 162, 163 (map) Bellarmine, Robert, 392–93 Benedict (Saint) and Benedictine
monasticism, 157–58, 232, 233, 234,
236–37 Bengal, 344
Benin, 347–48
Berengar (Italy), 189
Berlin Academy, 395, 396
Bermuda, 346
Bern, 310
Bernard of Clairvaux (Saint), 234, 235, 243 Bernini, Gian Lorenzo, 379, 379
Bible: flood in, 15; of Gutenberg, 286; Luther
and, 304, 305; translations by Jerome, 162. See also Gospels; Hebrew Bible; New Testament
Bill of Rights, in England, 376, 377
Birth control, Christianity and, 179 Birthrate, in Middle Ages, 250
Bishops and bishoprics, 149, 156, 232, 233 Bithynia, Asia Minor, 130, 140
Black Death: art and, 267; Asian trade and, 250–51; in Europe, 251, 253–54; Jews and, 251, 253; Knighton on, 249–50; mortality rates, 251; spread of, 249, 253 (map). See also Plague
Black Hole of Calcutta, 344
Black Prince. See Edward (Black Prince,
Blacks: slave trade and, 339. See also Africa Black Sea region, 56, 206, 231
Black Stone, 166–67
Blanche of Castile, 203–4
Blood circulation, Harvey on, 394 Bloodletting, 180, 180
Board of Trade (Britain), 347
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 252
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