Page 453 - Western Civilization A Brief History, Volume I To 1715 9th - Jackson J. Spielvogel
P. 453

Bodin, Jean, 362
Body of Civil Law (Justinian), 212, 214 Boeotia, 49, 62
Bohemia: Austria and, 367; Christianity in,
190; Hussites in, 296; Ottomans and, 296; Poland and, 295; in Thirty Years’ War, 359
Boleyn, Anne, 312, 313, 321
Bologna, university in, 212, 214 Boniface (Saint), 160
Boniface VIII (Pope), 262–63, 263, 264 Book of Common Prayer, 313
Book of Kells, The, 158
Book of the City of Ladies, The (Christine de
Pizan), 267
Book of the Courtier, The (Castiglione), 277 Book of the Dead (Egypt), 19
Books: in Carolingian Renaissance, 178;
Index of Forbidden Books and, 319; in Islamic Empire, 194; printing and, 286. See also Library; Literature
Borders: of Roman Empire, 116 (map), 121, 148, 148 (map). See also Frontiers
Borgia family: Alexander VI (Pope) and, 297; Cesare, 281, 297
Borough (burgh), meaning of, 207
Bosporus region, 149
Bosworth Field, battle at, 292
Boundaries. See Borders; Frontiers
Bourbon dynasty: religion and, 320; in Spain,
366; Thirty Years’ War and, 361 Bourgeois(ie), 207
Boyars (Russia), 231, 368
Boyle, Robert, 394
Brancacci Chapel, 286, 287 Brandenburg, 367, 367 (map) Brandenburg-Prussia, 367, 367 (map) Brazil, 338, 345
Brennus (Celt), 81–82
Brindisi, Italy, 96
Britain. See England (Britain)
British East India Company, 344, 345 Britons, 154
Brittany, 224
Bronze, in Egypt, 20
Bronze Age, 5–6, 29; in Minoan Crete, 49–50 Bruges, 206, 209, 276
Brunelleschi, Filippo, 287, 288
Bruni, Leonardo, 283
Bubonic plague. See Black Death; Plague Buddha and Buddhism, Hellenistic
sculptures of, 88, 88
Bulgaria: Byzantine Empire and, 188;
Ottomans in, 296; Slavs and, 191 Bulgars, 165, 188, 191, 230
Bullion, 353
Burckhardt, Jacob, 274
Bureaucracy: in Egypt, 17; in France, 224,
226; in Rome, 124, 147, 148; university
education for, 213
Burgesses, in England, 224
Burghers, 277. See also Bourgeois(ie) Burgundy, duke of, 256, 261
Burgundy and Burgundians, 150, 224, 261,
Burma (Myanmar), 342
Bury St. Edmonds, Samson (abbot) at, 222
Business: Amsterdam Exchange and, 353. See also Commercial capitalism; Industry
Byblos, 34
Byzantine, use of term, 165
Byzantine Empire: in 8th century, 165, 165
(map); in 1025, 188 (map); Arabs and, 168, 169; crusaders and, 241, 245; Eastern Roman Empire as, 147, 150, 152, 162–65, 163 (map); emperor in, 162–65; end of, 165; height of, 187–89; Justinian in, 152, 162–65, 163 (map); Ottoman conquest of, 295–96; plague in, 251; trade in, 163; Vikings and, 191; western view of, 189; women in, 188–89. See also Eastern Orthodoxy; Eastern Roman Empire
Byzantium (city), 149, 165. See also Constantinople (Istanbul)
Cabot, John, 333
Cabral, Pedro, 333
Caesar, Julius, 107, 113, 113, 114, 115 Caesarius of Arles, 158
Caffa, plague and, 251
Cairo, 194, 209, 241
Calais, 258
Calcutta, 344
Calendar: Julian, 115; of Maya, 334;
Sumerian, 14 Calicut, 342
California, missions in, 348
Caliphs and caliphate, 168, 169, 192–93, 194 Calvin, John, and Calvinism: development
of, 313–14; Huguenots and, 320; on marriage, 314; in Netherlands, 314, 321; portrait of, 314; Puritans and, 315, 372; on women, 315
Cam, for millwrights, 201
Cambodia, 342
Cambridge University, 212
Cambyses II (Persia), 42
Campaigns of Alexander, The (Arrian), 78 Campania, 95
Canaan: city-states in, 28; Egypt and, 20, 21, 24; Hebrews and, 30
Canaanitic language, 10 (tab.)
Canada, France and, 347
Cane sugar. See Sugar and sugar industry Cannae, battle at, 103
Cannons, 258, 270
Canon 68 (Fourth Lateran Council), 239,
Canterbury, archbishop of, 223–24 Canterbury Tales, The (Chaucer), 267 Canton, China, 345
Cantons, in Switzerland, 310 (map) Cape of Good Hope, 329, 333
Capet, Hugh, 224
Capetian dynasty, 224, 256 Capitalism, commercial, 207, 352–53 Capua, 101, 129
Caracalla (Rome), 125, 137
Caraffa, Gian Pietro, 318, 319
Caral, Peru, 6–7, 7 (map)
Caravan trade, 166, 167, 193, 251 Carcassonne, 238
Cardinals (church), 233, 264–65, 318
Caribbean region, 333, 337, 346, 346 (map) Carinthia, 367
Carniola, in Austrian Empire, 367 Carolingian Empire, 174–83, 177 (map), 181
Carolingian Renaissance, 178
Carruca (plow), 200–201
Cartesian dualism, 398
Carthage, 34, 102–3, 104
Caspian Sea, 231
Cassiodorus, 162, 178
Castiglione, Baldassare, 277
Castile, 227
Castles, 202–3, 207
Catacombs, 139
Çatal Hu¨yu¨k, 4–5
Catalonia, 362
Catharism, 238
Cathedrals: Gothic, 217, 217–18, 218;
schools in, 212
Catherine of Aragon (England), 312, 313 Catherine of Siena, 264
Catholic, use of term, 149
Catholic Church: by 1560, 316 (map); Arians
and, 154; in Asia, 342, 345, 348–49, 351; Charlemagne and, 176; in China, 348–49; in colonies, 348–49, 351; decline of, 262–65; Eastern Orthodoxy and, 241; in England, 160, 223–24, 312–13, 374, 376; Erasmus and, 302–3; exploration and, 329; Galileo and, 390–91; in Germany, 228; Great Schism in, 264–65; Habsburgs and, 308; in High Middle Ages, 221–22, 232–39; in Hungary, 295; Indian conversions by, 337; intolerance by, 238–39; in Japan, 345, 349, 351; Luther and, 304–5; in medieval villages, 202; Reformation and, 303–4; reforms of, 232–33; in Renaissance, 296–98; Slavs and, 190 (map); in Spain, 293, 320–21; in Switzerland, 310. See also Catholic Reformation; Christianity; Councils (Christian); Missions and missionaries; Monks and monasteries; Papacy; Pope; Protestant Reformation
Catholic Reformation, 315–19, 378 Cato the Elder, 103, 107, 108 Cattle, in Americas, 348
Catullus, 109, 111
Cavalry: English, 256; French, 256 Cavendish, Margaret, 395, 396 Cave paintings, Paleolithic, 4 Celibacy, 160, 308
Celsus (Rome), 140
Celtic languages, 29 (tab.)
Celts (Gauls): Britons as, 154; Hellenistic
world and, 81–82
Central Africa: slave trade in, 339. See also
Central America: colonization of, 348;
Mayan civilization in, 334. See also Latin
Central Asia, 250, 251, 344; civilization in, 6,
7 (map). See also Asia
Central Europe, 230; absolutism in, 366–68;
Calvinism in, 314; Jews in, 239; population of, 199 (tab.)
Index 415
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