Page 454 - Western Civilization A Brief History, Volume I To 1715 9th - Jackson J. Spielvogel
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Centuriate assembly (Rome), 98, 99 Cereta, Laura, 285
Ceylon. See Sri Lanka (Ceylon) Chaeronea, Battle of, 74, 76 Chaldeans, 31, 33, 40; Assyria and, 37;
Phoenicians and, 36
Champagne region, fairs in, 206–7 Chandragupta Maurya (India), 81 Chanson de geste, 216
Chariots: Byzantine, 165; in Egypt, 20;
Sumerian, 9
Charlemagne, 173–78; achievements of, 175;
coronation of, 173, 173–74, 176–78; Einhard on, 175, 176, 177; as emperor, 176; intellectual renewal under, 178; significance of, 177–78; statue of, 178
Charles I (England), 374
Charles II (England), 374, 399
Charles IV (Holy Roman Empire), 261 Charles V (France), 267
Charles V (Holy Roman Empire): Aztecs and,
335; empire of, 308, 309 (map); Habsburg dynasty and, 295; Henry VIII and, 312; Italy and, 280; Lutheranism and, 305, 308, 308–9; Ottoman Empire and, 308–9
Charles VI (France), 256, 261 Charles VII (France), 257 Charles VIII (France), 280 Charles XII (Sweden), 369 Charles Martel, 174
Charles the Bald: Carolingian Empire and, 181; statue of, 178
Charles the Great. See Charlemagne Chartres, cathedral in, 217 Chaucer, Geoffrey, 267
Chauvet Cave paintings, 4 Chemistry, 394–95
Chennai, India. See Madras
Childbirth: by Frankish women, 156; Greek
women and, 68; in Renaissance, 278; in
Rome, 124
Children: Hammurabi’s Code on, 12; in
Middle Ages, 267, 269, 269; in
Renaissance Italy, 278; in Rome, 132, 133 ‘‘Children of Israel,’’ Hebrews as, 30 Children’s Crusade, 245
Chile, 336
China: civilization in, 6; England and, 345; Europeans and, 344–45, 348; gunpowder and, 258; Han Empire in, 121, 125; Jesuits in, 317, 348–49; Mongols in, 230, 250; paper from, 194; Portugal and, 330, 344; Russia and, 345; silk from, 163; Yellow River in, 6, 6 (map)
Chinggis Khan, 230
Chivalry, 203
Chocolate, 351
Christ. See Jesus of Nazareth Christian church. See Catholic Church;
Christian humanism, 302–3
Christianity: appeal of, 142–43; development
of church, 156–62; in England, 157; of Germanic tribes, 147, 150; growth of, 142–43; Indians and, 333; intellectual thought and, 160–62; Irish, 158–59; Judaism and, 139, 141; in late antiquity,
416 Index
147; in marriage, 179; medieval civilization and, 233–39; mystery religions and, 90; organization of, 149; origins of, 139, 141–42; persecution of, 142, 143; in Roman Empire, 138–43, 149–50; in Russia, 191, 231; in Scandinavia, 229; science and, 400–402; sexuality and, 179; of Slavs, 230; in Spain, 227; spread of, 141–42, 161 (map); women and, 143; Zoroastrianism and, 45. See also Crusades; Enlightenment; Missions and missionaries; specific groups
Christina (Grand Duchess of Tuscany), 392 Christine de Pizan, on women, 267 Christmas, 160
Chronicle of the First Crusade (Fulcher of
Chartres), 244
Chrysoloras, Manuel, 283
Church(es): architecture of, 216, 216–18,
217, 218; in Constantinople, 164; in Germany, 228; in Middle Ages, 202; Protestant, 307–8; in Ravenna, 164; in Rome, 141, 142, 149–50. See also Church and state; Religion(s)
Church and state: Catholic Church and, 165, 263; in England, 223–24; in Germany, 228; in Middle Ages, 232, 233; separation of, 312
Church of England, 313, 372, 374
Church of the Holy Wisdom. See Hagia Sophia Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 106, 108, 111, 115 Cincinnatus, Rome saved by, 100
Ciompi revolt, 256
Circumnavigation of earth, by Magellan, 327,
328, 333
Circus Maximus (Rome), 134
Cistercians, 233–34, 235
Cities and towns: in 14th century, 267; in
British colonies, 347; as characteristics of civilizations, 6; in China, 6; in France, 210; in Greece, 54; growth of, 207, 209; Hellenistic, 83–84; in Italy, 205–6, 209, 229; lifestyle in, 209–11; medieval, 204–7, 209, 210; pollution in, 209, 211; in Renaissance, 277–78; revolts in, 255–56; rights in, 207; Romanization of, 125–27; Sumerian, 7–9. See also City- states; Villages; specific locations
Citizens and citizenship: in Athens, 58–59; in Greek polis, 54; Greek women and, 68; in Mycenae, 51; in Rome, 95, 98, 99, 100–101, 115, 123–24, 125, 126, 127; in Sparta, 58
City of God, The (Augustine), 161–62 City-states: German, 261; Greek, 40, 48–49,
50 (map), 54–59, 62, 76; Italian, 229, 261–62, 262 (map), 279–81, 279 (map); Mesopotamian, 7–9; in Near East, 28; in Renaissance Italy, 279–81, 279 (map); Sumerian, 9
Civic humanism, 283
Civilization: characteristics of, 6; emergence
of, 6–7; of Mesoamerica, 334; of Mesopotamia, 7–14, 8 (map); societies on fringes of, 28–29. See also Culture(s)
Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy
(Burckhardt), 274
Civil law (ius civile), in Rome, 98, 109 Civil service: Byzantine, 188. See also
Civil war(s): in England, 292, 374, 374
(map); in France, 256; in Rome, 137–38 Civil Wars, The (Caesar), 114
Clarendon, Lord (Edward Hyde), 375–76 Classes: aristocracy and, 202–4; Christianity
and, 143; nobility as, 202–4; revolts and,
254–55; in Rome, 98, 99
Classical learning: Irish monks and, 158–59;
Islamic scholars and, 194; medieval
revival of, 213–14; in Renaissance, 283 Classical period (Greece), 50 (map), 59–62.
See also Greece (ancient) Classicism: in arts, 380. See also Art(s) Cleisthenes (Athens), 58–59
Clement V (Pope), 263
Clement VI (Pope), 251
Clement VII (Pope), 265, 308, 312 Cleopatra VII (Egypt), 81, 115–16 Clergy: conciliar movement and, 265;
corruption of, 303; English, 160, 313; marriage and, 305, 313; salvation and, 237; in Spain, 293; taxation of, 263. See also Pope
Clermont, Council of, 241
Climate: in 17th century, 358; in Middle
Ages, 199, 250
Clive, Robert, 342, 344
Clock, invention of, 268, 270
Clodia (Lesbia), 109
Cloth industry, 255
Clothing: in ancient Rome, 98; in Athens, 68 Clotilde (Burgundians), 146, 147
Clouds, The (Aristophanes), 64
Clovis (Franks), 146, 147, 154
Cluniac reform movement, 232
Coal and coal industry, pollution from, 209 Code of Hammurabi, 10–11
Codes of law. See Law codes
Coffeehouses, 351
Coins, in Rome, 138, 150
Colbert, Jean-Baptiste, 365, 399
Colleges. See Universities and colleges Colloquy: of Marburg, 310, 311; of
Regensburg, 319
Cologne, Jews of, 239
Colombia, 336
Colonies and colonization: British, 346, 347;
Christian, in Spain, 227, 227 (map); Dutch, 346–47; French, 346, 347; globalization and, 353–54; Greek, 55–56, 96; impact on colonizers, 351–52; India as, 344; missionaries in, 348–49, 351; Phoenician, 34; Roman, 115, 122–23; Spanish, 334–36. See also Imperialism
Colosseum (Rome), 135, 135
Columba (Saint), 159
Columbian Exchange, 351
Columbus, Christopher, 329, 331, 332, 333,
333, 336
Comedy, 109; Greek, 63–64
Commerce: Dutch, 340–41, 341. See also
Mercantilism; Trade
Commercial capitalism, 207, 352–53 Commodus (Rome), 136
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