Page 456 - Western Civilization A Brief History, Volume I To 1715 9th - Jackson J. Spielvogel
P. 456

Divination, 13
Divine and Human Readings (Cassiodorus),
Divine Comedy (Dante), 266–67 Divine-right monarchy, 362
Divinity: of Egyptian kings, 16; Hermetics
and, 284; humanists and, 284
Division of labor: Neolithic, 5. See also Labor Divorce: in Carolingian Empire, 179; in
Egypt, 24; in Frankish culture, 156; Hammurabi’s Code on, 11–12; in Rome, 107, 124
Doctorate degrees, 213
Doctors. See Physicians
Domestication, of plants and animals, 4 Domesticity, Dutch, 373, 373 Dominican Republic, 333
Dominicans, 234–35, 305, 348, 349 Dominic de Guzma´n (Saint), 235 Domitian (Rome), 132
Donatello, Donato di, 287, 287 Dorians, 51
Doric order, 64
Doryphoros (statue), 65, 65
Double Crown (Egypt), 16
Dowry, in Renaissance, 278
Drama: in Elizabethan England, 381; in
France, 381–82; Greek, 63–64; Hellenistic, 87; Roman, 109; in Spain, 381
Drinking. See Alcohol
Drogheda, battle at, 375
Dualist system: of good and evil, 238.
See also Cartesian dualism Duke(s), in France, 224
Du¨rer, Albrecht, 291, 293
Dutch: Anabaptism and, 312; in Asia,
340–41, 342, 353; domestic life of, 373, 373; economy of, 353; independence from Spain, 366; in India, 342; in Indonesia, 341, 348; in Japan, 345; North American colonies of, 346–47; paintings of, 373, 373, 380, 380–81; slave trade and, 339; trade and, 353. See also Dutch Republic; Netherlands
Dutch East India Company, 341, 341, 353 Dutch Republic: emergence of, 321;
exploration by, 328; golden age of, 372, 373; trade and, 372; upheavals in, 362
Early Middle Ages, 173–97; Byzantine civilization in, 187–89; Carolingian Empire in, 174–83; cities in, 207; Islam in, 192–95; lords and vassals in, 183–87; Slavic peoples in, 190–91. See also Christianity; Germanic peoples; Middle Ages
Earth: circumference of, 88; circumnavigation of, 327, 328, 333; rotation of, 88. See also Planets; Universe
East Africa, 2, 329, 339
Eastern Europe: absolutism in, 368–70;
Calvinism in, 314; Jews in, 253; kingdoms in, 230, 230 (map); monarchies in, 295; plague in, 251; population of, 199 (tab.). See also specific locations
Eastern Franks, 181. See also Germany
418 Index
Eastern Orthodoxy: Byzantine Empire and, 188; Catholic Church and, 241; Russia and, 231; Slavs and, 190 (map), 191
Eastern Roman Empire: as Byzantine Empire, 147, 150, 152, 162–65, 163 (map); Greek language in, 125, 127, 142; Islam and, 165; law code in, 162. See also Byzantine Empire
Eastern Slavs, 190 (map), 191
East India Company. See British East India
Company; Dutch East India Company East Prussia, 230, 230 (map)
Economy: in 16th century, 352; in 17th
century, 358; in Athens, 58, 68; Black Death and, 254–56; in Brandenburg- Prussia, 367; commercial capitalism in, 207; in Egypt, 18; expansion and, 329, 351, 352–54; in France, 365; in Hellenistic world, 84–85; in Renaissance, 276; Sumerian, 9; after Thirty Years’ War, 362. See also Mercantilism; Trade
Ecstasy of Saint Theresa (Bernini), 379, 379 Ecuador, 336
Edessa, as crusader state, 243
Edicts: of Fontainebleau, 364–65; of Milan,
149; of Nantes, 320, 364; of Worms, 305 Education: in England, 178; in Middle Ages,
178; in Renaissance, 284–85; in Rome, 107, 133; for women, 107, 284, 285.
See also Schools; Universities and colleges
Education of a Christian Prince (Erasmus), 282–83
Edward (Black Prince, England), 257 (map) Edward I (England), 224, 239
Edward III (England), 256, 260, 261 Edward VI (England), 313, 322
Egypt (ancient), 2, 6, 14–24, 17 (map); Alexander the Great and, 76; Antony and Cleopatra in, 116; arts in, 18, 20; culture of, 18–20; diet (food) in, 22, 22; domination by foreign powers, 21; dynasties in, 16; economy in, 18; government of, 16, 17–18, 20; Hebrews in, 30; Hellenistic period in, 81; Hittites and, 29; Hyksos in, 20; imperialism by, 20; isolation of, 16; jewelry in, 18; Jews in, 91; lifestyle in, 21–24; Middle Kingdom in, 16, 17–18; mystery cults in, 90; Near East kingdoms and, 28; New Kingdom in, 16, 20, 23; Old Kingdom in, 16–17, 17 (map), 18; queens in, 23–24; religion in, 20, 21; Rome and, 21, 81; society in, 18; spirituality in, 18–19; women in, 23, 85; workers in, 18; writing in, 20
Egypt (modern): Arab conquest of, 168; Fatimids in, 194, 241
Eighteenth dynasty (Egypt), 20, 22, 22 Einhard, 175, 176, 177
El Cid. See D´ıaz de Vivar, Rodrigo Eleanor of Aquitaine, 203
Elections. See Voting and voting rights Elector of Saxony, 305, 306
Electors, in Germany, 229, 261 Elements (Euclid), 88
Elephants, in warfare, 83, 83 Eleusis, 90
Elites: science and, 400; Sumerian, 9. See also Classes; Nobility
Elizabeth (movie), 323
Elizabeth I (England), 313, 320, 321–23,
381; ‘‘Speech at Tilbury,’’ 322
Emperor: church, state, and, 165; origins of
term, 122. See also specific rulers Empires. See Imperialism; Seven Years’ War;
specific empires
Empiricism, 399
Employment. See Labor; Workers Encomienda system, 336–37 Engineering: Inca, 336; in Rome, 111 England (Britain): in 14th century, 254;
American colonies of, 347; Anglo-Saxons in, 154; Black Death in, 251; China and, 345; civil wars in, 292, 374, 374 (map); exploration by, 328; foreign policy of, 322; France and, 256; Glorious Revolution in, 376; in High Middle Ages, 222–24; holdings of (1154–1337), 226 (map); Hundred Years’ War and, 256–58, 257 (map); imports of, 353–54; India and, 342, 344, 351; Ireland and, 375; Irish missionaries in, 159; Jews in, 239; law in, 223–24; Lollardy in, 296; megaliths in, 28; monarchy in, 372, 374, 376–78; Norman conquest of, 222–23, 223; Peasants’ Revolt (1381) in, 255; religion in, 312–13, 322; restoration in, 374, 376; Rome and, 125; sciences in, 391; slavery abolished in, 339; Southeast Asia trade and, 340–41; Spanish Armada and, 324; town street scene in, 198; universities in, 212; Viking attacks on, 182–83, 183. See also Tudor dynasty
English language, 222
English Royal Society. See Royal Society
Enki (god), 12
Enkidu, in Mesopotamian mythology, 14 Enlightenment: Eurocentrism and, 352.
See also Scientific Revolution
Enlil (god), 12
Entertainment, in Middle Ages, 269, 269 Entrepreneurs, in mining industry, 276 Environment: of medieval cities, 209, 211; of
Mesopotamia, 12; Neolithic, 4. See also
Climate; Pollution
Epaminondas (Thebes), 62
Ephesus, 125
Ephors, in Sparta, 58
Epic literature: Epic of Gilgamesh, The, 12, 14,
15; medieval, 216. See also Homer Epicureanism, 89, 90
Epicurus, 89
Epistle to the Colossians (Paul), 143 Equality, in Paleolithic society, 4
Equestrian order (Rome), 112, 113, 124, 126 Erasmus, Desiderius, 282–83, 302–3, 303 Eratosthenes, 88
Eridu, 7
Erik the Red, 183
Essenes, 139
Estates (land), in Rome, 107, 112 Estates (social orders), in Renaissance,
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