Page 457 - Western Civilization A Brief History, Volume I To 1715 9th - Jackson J. Spielvogel
P. 457

Estates-General, in France, 226 Este, Isabella d’, 280
Estonia, 369
Ethelbert (England), 159 Ethics, of Israelites, 32
Etruria, 96, 97, 129
Etruscans, 94–95, 96–97, 97, 98, 99, 100 Eucharist, 237
Euclid, 88, 214
Euphrates River region, 1–2, 6, 7 Eurasia, Mongols and, 249, 250–51 Euripides, 63, 283
Europe: in 15th century, 294 (map);
American empires of, 345–47; in Asia, 339–42, 341; Black Death in, 251, 253–54; civilization in, 28; kingdoms in, 222–31; lords and vassals in, 183–87; population in, 85, 199 (tab.), 358; Renaissance monarchies in, 292–96.
See also Religion(s); specific locations Evangelicalism, of Lutheranism, 306 Evans, Arthur, 50
Excellence, as Greek value, 53 Excommunication, 241
Executions, in Middle Ages, 209, 210 Exodus, 30, 33
Expansion: of Carolingian Empire, 174, 176;
economy and, 329, 351, 352–54; impact of European, 347–49, 351–52; of Islam, 165–70, 169 (map), 192–95; of Persian Empire, 42; of Rome, 99–101, 125; of Russia, 369, 371 (map); by Venice, 262. See also Colonies and colonization; Exploration; Imperialism
Experienced and Knowledgeable Hollands Householder, The (household manual), 373 Exploration: in 15th and 16th centuries, 331
(map); English, 328; of New World, 331, 333–37; Portuguese, 329–31; Spanish, 331, 333–37. See also Colonies and colonization
Exports, mercantilism and, 353 Extended family, Carolingian, 179
Fairs, trade, 206–7
Faith. See Justification by faith alone Families: in Athens, 68; Carolingian, 179; in
Egypt, 21–23; Germanic, 154; in Italy, 278; in medieval society, 267; peasant, 202; Protestantism and, 314–15; Roman, 99, 107–8, 132, 133. See also Children
Famine, in Middle Ages, 250
Fantasy, literature in Middle Ages, 328 Farms and farming: Neolithic, 5; Sumerian,
9. See also Agriculture; Crop(s)
Fathers, advice to son from (Egypt), 23 Fatimid dynasty, 193–94, 241
Feast days, 202
Ferdinand of Aragon, 293–94
Ferrara, 279, 280
Fertile Crescent, 4, 7, 8 (map)
Festivals: in Greece, 67; in Rome, 106 Feudalism, 183
Ficino, Marsilio, 283–84
Fiefs: church offices as, 232; in England, 222;
vassals and, 184, 186 Filipinos. See Philippines
Finances. See Economy
Fire, 4; in Rome, 134
First Crusade, 242, 242–43, 244
First Estate, in European society, 277 First Intermediate Period (Egypt), 20 First Punic War, 102–3
First Triumvirate (Rome), 113, 113 Fitz-Stephen, William, 199
Five ‘‘good emperors’’ (Rome), 125 Five Pillars of Islam, 167, 168 Flagellants, 251, 253, 254
Flanders: arts in, 291; Hansa and, 276;
medieval trade and, 206, 206 (map), 207
(map); woolen industry in, 206 Flanders Fleet, of Venice, 276
Flavian dynasty (Rome), 124, 135
Flood and flooding: in Bible, 15; in Epic of
Gilgamesh, 15; in Fertile Crescent, 8
(map); by Nile, 14
Florence: arts in, 287; ciompi revolt in, 256;
as city-state, 229, 262; Machiavelli in, 280; Medici in, 276; population of, 209; Republic of, 262, 279; woolen industry in, 255–56
Florus (historian), 116
Flying buttress, 217, 218
Food: growth of civilizations and, 7;
Neolithic, 4; Paleolithic, 3, 4; prices of, 201; Renaissance banquet and, 275. See also Diet (food); Famine
Forests, elimination of medieval, 200 Fort William. See Calcutta
Fourth Crusade, 245
Fourth Dynasty (Egypt), 17
Fourth Lateran Council, 239, 240
France: in 17th century, 361; absolutism in, 362–66; American colonies of, 346, 347;
Black Death in, 251; Calvinism in, 314; Canada and, 347; cities in, 210; civilization in, 28; civil war in, 256; Classicism in arts and, 380; Crusades and, 238; drama in, 381–82; economy in, 365; England and, 256; Estates-General in, 226; expansion by, 328; foreign policy of, 364; holdings of (1154–1337), 226 (map); Hundred Years’ War and, 256–58, 257 (map); India and, 342, 351; Jacquerie in, 254, 255; Jews in, 239; kingdom in, 224, 226; learned societies in, 396, 399, 399–400; megaliths in, 28; monarchs in, 260, 292; in Naples, 280; nobility in, 292, 363–64; papacy and, 233, 308; parliament in, 226; peasants in, 254, 255; religion in, 363, 364–65; revolts in, 254, 255, 362; sciences and, 391; Spain and, 280, 366; Thirty Years’ War and, 361; universities in, 212; Vikings in, 183; Wars of Religion in, 319–20; western Carolingian Empire as, 181; witchcraft trial in, 360. See also French Revolution; Government; Huguenots; Monarchs and monarchies
Francis I (France), 308, 308 Franciscans, 234–35, 348, 349 Francis of Assisi (Saint), 235
Franks: Christianity and, 147; eastern
kingdom of, 181; family and marriage of, 156; kingdom of, 153 (map), 154; Rome
and, 138; western kingdom of, 181. See also Charlemagne; Eastern Franks; Western Franks
Frederick I Barbarossa (Holy Roman Empire), 212, 228–29, 245
Frederick I (Prussia), 367
Frederick II (Holy Roman Empire), 228, 229,
Frederick the Wise (Saxony), 304
Frederick William (Great Elector), 367 French Canadians, 347
French Revolution, slavery abolished during,
French Royal Academy of Sciences. See Royal
Academy of Sciences (France) Frescoes, 286, 287, 289, 289 Friars, 236–37, 239
Frisia and Frisians, 160 Froissart, Jean, 255, 256 Fronde, 363
Frontiers: of Poland, 230; Roman, 122–23, 125, 126 (map), 129, 148. See also Borders
Fulbert of Chartres (bishop), 185 Fulcher of Chartres, 244
Funeral Oration (Pericles), 49 Fur trade, 163
Gaius Gracchus (Rome), 112
Galen (physician), 213, 386, 394
Galilei, Galileo, 385, 386, 387, 389–91, 391,
392, 400
Gallo-Romans, 154. See also Germanic
Games: gladiatorial, 135, 135–36; Roman,
Gandhara, Buddhist statues in, 88, 88 Gascony, 256
Gasga tribes, 29
Gatherer-hunters, 3
Gaudry, Suzanne, trial of, 360 Gaugamela, battle at, 76–77
Gaul and Gaullish people: Burgundians in,
150; Caesar and, 115; Franks in, 154; Romanization in, 126; Rome and, 126, 138; Vandals in, 150; Visigoths in, 150. See also Celts (Gauls); France
Gays and lesbians. See Homosexuals and homosexuality
Gedrosian Desert, 77
Gender and gender issues: in medieval
society, 268; in Neolithic period, 5; in Paleolithic society, 3–4; Scientific Revolution and, 395–97. See also Men; Women
Generals, as Athenian strategoi, 60
General War Commissariat (Prussia), 367 Geneva, 313–14
Genghis Khan, 342
Genoa, 209, 243, 245, 251
Gentiles, Paul and, 141
Gentileschi, Artemisia, 379, 379
Gentry, in England, 372, 374
Geocentric view of universe, 88, 387 Geography: of Egypt, 14–16; of Greece, 49;
of Italy, 95
Geography (Ptolemy), 329, 330
Index 419
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