Page 458 - Western Civilization A Brief History, Volume I To 1715 9th - Jackson J. Spielvogel
P. 458

Geometry: Archimedes and, 88; Sumerian, 14
Germania (Tacitus), 132
Germanic languages, 28, 29 (tab.) Germanic peoples: Christianity and, 147,
150, 157, 159, 160; kingdoms of, 152–56, 153 (map); law of, 154–55; migrations by, 150; Rome and, 150, 165
German language, 181
Germany: absolutist states in, 366–67; Black
Death in, 251; Catholic Church in, 228, 232–33, 361; Charlemagne and, 174, 176; convents in, 160; eastern Carolingian Empire as, 181; electors in, 261; Hohenstaufen dynasty and, 228–29; Holy Roman Empire and, 228–29; Italy and, 228–29; Jews of, 253; Lutheranism in, 304–10; monarchy in, 228–29, 261; Neanderthals in, 2; Peasants’ War in, 307; politics in, 308–10; Reformation in, 306–7; religion in, 308–10, 359; Rome and, 122–23, 127, 138; Slavs and, 230; Thirty Years’ War and, 359, 361, 362; universities in, 212. See also Prussia
Geta (Rome), 137
Ghent, 206, 209
Ghirlandaio, Ridolfo, 333 Gigas, Herman, 252
Gilgamesh (legendary king), 14 Giotto, 267, 268
Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride (Van Eyck), 291, 292
Giza, pyramids at, 19–20
Gladiator (movie), 136
Gladiatorial contests (Rome), 135, 135–36 Globalization, expansion and, 353–54 Globe theater, 381
Glorious Revolution (England), 376 Glosses (commentaries), 214
Gniezno, Poland, 190
Goa, Portugal and, 330
Godric (Saint), 208
Gods and goddesses: in Assyria, 38;
Egyptian, 18–19, 20, 21, 90; Greek, 67; Jewish, 32, 91; in Mesopotamia, 7–8, 12; Persian, 44–45; Roman, 138; Sumerian, 7–8
Gold: in Africa, 329; in New World, 351; for trade, 207, 353
Golden age: of Dutch Republic, 372, 373, 380–81, 397; of Hellenistic science, 88–89; of Latin literature, 129–32; of prophets, 32–33
Goliardic poetry, 215
Gonzaga, Francesco, 280
Good emperors (Rome), 125
Gospels, 141–42; of Mark, 157; of Matthew,
Gothic architecture, 217, 217–18, 218 Goths, 138, 150
Government: Aristotle on, 66–67; of
Assyrian Empire, 39; of Athens, 58–59, 60–61; of Austrian Empire, 368; of Babylon, 10–11; of Carolingian Empire, 176; of Carthage, 102; as characteristic of civilizations, 6; of cities, 207, 209; of Egypt, 16, 17–18, 20; of France, 363–64;
420 Index
Germanic, 152–54; of Hellenistic kingdoms, 82–83; Hittite, 29; of Inca Empire, 336; of Italian city-states, 262; Ottoman, 370; of Persian Empire, 39, 40, 43; Plato on, 66; of Prussia, 367; of Rome, 98–99, 121, 147; of Russia, 369; of Spain, 366; of Spanish America, 337; of Sparta, 58; Sumerian, 8. See also Monarchs and monarchies; Tyrants and tyranny; specific locations
Gracchus family (Rome), 112–13
Grain, 163, 202; in Hellenistic trade, 85 Granada, 227, 294
Grand viziers (Ottoman), 370
Granicus River, battle at, 76
Gratian, 205
Gravitation: Archimedes and, 89; Newton
on, 391
Great Britain. See England (Britain) Great Council (England), 224, 260 Great Instauration, The (Bacon), 398 Great King: Alexander the Great as, 77;
Hittite, 29; Persian, 44
Great Mosque of Co´ rdoba, 194
Great Northern War, 369
Great Pyramid (Giza), 19–20
Great Schism (Catholic Church), 264–65,
Great Wall (China), 344
Greco-Macedonian rulers, 80, 83 Greco-Roman culture: Christianity and, 138,
139; Muslims and, 194; religion and, 106; Renaissance and, 274, 279 (map). See also Greece (ancient); Roman Empire; Roman Republic; Rome (ancient)
Greece, 2, 48–70, 50 (map); Archaic period in, 54; Celts in, 82; city-states in, 54–59; classical, 50 (map), 59–62, 283; colonization and trade by, 55–56; culture of, 62–70; Dark Age in, 51–54; decline of states in, 62; Hellenistic world and, 74, 76, 80–81, 82–83, 87, 88; homosexual ideal in, 70; Islamic thought and, 194, 194; Macedonia and, 74; military in, 54–55; Minoan, 49–51, 51 (map); Mycenaean, 51, 51 (map); mystery cults and, 90; non-Greek relations with, 84; Persia and, 40, 42, 59–60, 62; Philip II (Macedonia) and, 49, 74–76; religion and, 67–68, 90; revival of thought from, 213–14; Rome and, 95–96, 100, 103, 105–6, 111; trade in, 52; warfare in, 55. See also Athenian Empire; Athens; Hellenistic world; Ionia and Ionians; Sparta
Greek language, 28; alphabet of, 35, 36 (tab.); in Byzantine Empire, 165; in eastern Roman Empire, 125, 127, 142
Greek Orthodoxy. See Eastern Orthodoxy Greenland, 183
Greenwich, England, Royal Observatory at,
Gregorian chant, 236
Gregory I the Great (Pope), 156–57, 157,
Gregory VII (Pope), 232–33 Gregory XI (Pope), 264
Gregory of Tours, 147, 155 Guadeloupe, 346
Guaran´ı Indians, 349 Guatemala, 334
Guerrilla war, Assyrian, 38
Guilds: medieval, 211; universities as, 212 Guise family (France), 320
Gulf of Corinth, 49
Gulf of Mexico, 334
Gunpowder, 258, 270
Gutenberg, Johannes, 286
Guzman, Gaspar de. See Olivares (Count)
Habsburg dynasty: Austrian Empire and, 367, 368 (map); emergence of, 229; empire of, 308; Holy Roman Empire and, 294–95; Thirty Years’ War and, 359, 361
Habsburg-Valois Wars, 308 Hadrian (Rome), 120, 121, 125 Hadrian’s Wall, 120
Hagia Sophia, 164, 164
Haiti, 333, 346
Hajj, 167
Hall of Mirrors (Versailles), 365
Hals, Frans, 397
Hammurabi (Babylonia), 10–11, 10 (map) Handbook of the Christian Knight (Erasmus),
Han Empire, 121, 125
Hanging Gardens (Babylon), 40
Hannibal, 103
Hanseatic League (Hansa), 276 Hanukkah, 91
Harappa, 6, 6 (map)
Harold Godwinson (England), 222 Harvey, William, 394
Hastings, Battle of, 222, 223
Hatshepsut (Egypt), 23–24
Hattusha, Turkey, 29
Healing. See Medicine
Health and health care: medieval, 180–81.
See also Medicine
Hebrew Bible, 30. See also Bible
Hebrew language, 10 (tab.)
Hebrews, 30–34; in Near East, 28. See also
Jews and Judaism
Hector (Troy), slaying of, 52
Hegira (departure), 167
Heliocentric view of universe, 88, 388, 389,
Hellenic languages, 29 (tab.) Hellenistic world, 82 (map); Celts and,
81–82; cities in, 83–84; culture in, 85–90; defined, 74, 80; economy in, 84–85; Jews in, 90–91; monarchies in, 81; philosophies in, 89–90; political and military institutions in, 82–83; religion in, 90–91; Rome and, 103, 111; women in, 85, 86. See also Alexander the Great
Hellespont, 62
Helots, in Sparta, 56
Henry II (England), 203, 223–24 Henry III (England), 204
Henry IV (England), 261
Henry IV (Germany), 228, 232–33 Henry V (England), 256
Henry VI (England), 258
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