Page 460 - Western Civilization A Brief History, Volume I To 1715 9th - Jackson J. Spielvogel
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and, 205. See also Art(s); Enlightenment; Humanism; Philosophy; Renaissance; Science(s); Scientific Revolution
Interdict, 233
Intermarriage: by Arabs, 192; in Roman
orders, 99; Slav-German, 230 Intermediate Periods (Egypt), 16 Invasions: of 9th and 10th centuries,
181–83, 182 (map). See also specific
Inventions: in 14th century, 268, 270; in
High Middle Ages, 200–201 Investiture controversy, 233
Iona, Irish missionaries in, 158, 159 Ionia and Ionians, 40, 42, 51, 59, 76 Ionic order, 64
Iranian empire, of Medes, 40
Iraq: ancient, 1–2. See also Mesopotamia Ireland, England and, 375
Irnerius (teacher), 212, 214
Iron and iron industry: Assyrian weapons
and, 36, 37; after Bronze Age, 6; in Greece, 52; Hittites and, 29; in Middle Ages, 200
Irrigation: in China, 6; in Egypt, 14; in Fertile Crescent, 8 (map); in Mesopotamia, 7, 8–9
Isabella of Castile, 293–94, 333, 336
Isidore of Milan, 164
Isis (goddess), 19, 90; cult of, 90
Islam: civilization of, 194–95; Crusades and,
241; Eastern Roman Empire and, 165; expansion of, 165–70, 169 (map), 192–95; medieval learning and, 214; teachings of, 167–68. See also Muslims
Islamic empire, Mongols in, 231
Isocrates (Athens), 74; Address to Philip, 75 Israel and Israelites (ancient), 27–28, 30–34,
31 (map); Babylonian captivity and, 31–32; neighbors of, 34–36; religion of, 32–34; ten lost tribes and, 30; united kingdom of, 30–32. See also Hebrews; Jews and Judaism
Issus, Battle of, 76, 80
Istanbul. See Constantinople (Istanbul) Italic languages, 29 (tab.)
Italy: ancient, 96 (map); Austria and, 367;
Black Death in, 251; Byzantine conquest of, 153; in Carolingian Empire, 181; Charlemagne and, 174; cities in, 205–6, 229; city-states in, 229, 261–62, 262 (map), 279–81, 279 (map); Crusades and, 243, 245; France and, 280; geography of, 95; Germany and, 228–29, 261; Greeks in, 95–96; Holy Roman Empire and, 228–29, 308; intellectual thought in, 281, 283–86; Lombards in, 152–53, 162; mannerism in, 378; Ostrogoths in, 152–53; papacy and, 228–29; Renaissance in, 274–92, 279 (map); Romans and, 99–101, 103; slaves in, 278; Spain and, 280; states in, 279–81; trade and, 205–6, 206 (map); universities in, 212; Visigoths in, 150. See also Renaissance; Roman Empire; Roman Republic; Rome
422 Index
Ivan III (Russia), 295
Ivan IV (the Terrible, Russia), 368
Jacquerie, 254, 255
Jakarta. See Batavia (Jakarta)
Jamaica, 346
James I (England), 372
James II (England), 374, 376, 377 Jamestown, 347
Janus (Roman spirit), 106
Japan: Catholic Church in, 345, 349, 351;
Europeans and, 345, 349, 351; Jesuits in,
317, 345; lords and vassals in, 185 Java, 341, 341
Jerome (Saint), 162
Jerusalem: bishop of, 149; as capital of
ancient Israel, 30; Crusades and, 241, 242, 243, 243 (map), 245; destruction of, 142; Hellenistic world and, 91; pilgrimages to, 245; Sennacherib’s siege of, 39; Temple in, 30, 40, 41, 139
Jesuits, 317, 345, 348–49
Jesus of Nazareth, 139, 139, 141, 167.
See also Christianity
Jews and Judaism: Babylonian captivity of,
31–32; Christianity and, 139, 141; Crusades and, 246; in eastern Europe, 253; Fourth Lateran Council on, 239, 240; in Hellenistic world, 90–91; in High Middle Ages, 238–39, 240; Judah and, 32; medieval persecution of, 238–39, 240; medieval scholarship of, 214; monotheism of, 32; in Persian Empire, 40–42; plague and, 251, 253; in Rome, 139; in Spain, 293–94; trade and, 204–5. See also Anti-Semitism; Hebrews; Israel and Israelites (ancient)
Jihad, 168
Joan of Arc, 257–58, 258, 259–60
Joan of Arc (movie), 259
Jocelyn of Brakeland, on Samson, 222 John (England), 224, 225
John VI (Byzantine Empire), 251 Joint-stock company, 344, 353
Jollain, Nicolas-Rene´ , the Elder, 357 Journeymen, 211
Jousts, 203, 204
Judaea, 91, 139
Judah, 30–32, 31, 37, 91
Judaism. See Jews and Judaism Judeo-Christian values, Hebrews and, 28 Judith Beheading Holofernes (Gentileschi),
379, 379
Julia (Rome), 124
Julian calendar, 115
Julio-Claudian dynasty (Rome), 124 Julius II (Pope), 274, 289, 290, 297 Junkers, 367
Juno (goddess), 106
Jupiter Optimus Maximus (god), 106, 106 Justice: Hammurabi’s Code and, 10; in
Jewish law, 32, 33; Roman, 127; of
Solomon (Israel), 27–28. See also Crime Justification by faith alone, 304–5, 307 Justinian (Byzantine Empire): building
program of, 163–65; conquests of, 152; court of, 164; Eastern Roman Empire
under, 163 (map); on homosexuality, 179; law code of, 162, 212, 214; trade initiated by, 163
Juvenal, 134
Ka (spiritual body), 19 Ka’aba, 167
Kangxi (China), 344 Karelia, 369
Kassites, 10
Kepler, Johannes, 387, 388–89, 391 Khanbaliq. See Beijing
Khorsabad, 38
Khubilai Khan, 230–31, 328
Khufu (Egypt), pyramid of Giza and, 19–20 al-Khwarizmi, 195
Kiev, 183, 191, 231
Kievan Rus, 231
Kingdom of Naples, 261, 279–80
Kings and kingdoms: in Egypt, 16, 18; in
Israel, 30–32; of Near East, 28; Persian, 44. See also Hellenistic world; Monarchs and monarchies; specific locations
Kirch, Gottfried, 395
Knighton, Henry, 249–50
Knights: chivalry and, 203; Crusades and,
242; in England, 222; equipment used by, 184, 184; in Hundred Years’ War, 256; in Middle Ages, 202; in parliament, 224; tournaments and, 203
Knossus, 50–51
Knox, John, 314
Koran. See Qur’an
Korea, 230
Kosovo, Battle of (1389), 296 Kyushu, 349
Labor: in 14th century, 254; Black Death and, 250; Neolithic division of, 5; in Rome, 106–7, 129, 148–49; slave, 68, 106–7. See also Slavery; Workers; Working class
La Bruye`re, Jean de, 397 Lachish, Judah, 31, 37 Laconia, 56
Lagash, 7
Lake Texcoco, 334
Lamentation (Giotto), 268
Land: in Egypt, 14; in England, 222; European
conquerors and, 351; in High Middle Ages, 199–202, 250; lord-vassal relationships and, 183–86; manorial system and, 186–87, 186 (map), 187; in Rome, 107, 112. See also Agriculture; Forests
Landlords, in 14th century, 254 Language(s): Assyrian, 38; in Byzantine
Empire, 165; in former Carolingian Empire, 181; Indo-European, 28–29; Macedonian, 74; Semitic, 10 (tab.); vernacular, 216. See also specific languages
Las Navas de Tolosa, battle at, 227
Last Supper, The (Leonardo da Vinci), 288, 289 Lateran Council, Fourth, 239, 240
Later Middle Ages, 249–72; Black Death in,
250–54; Christianity in, 262–65; culture and society in, 265–70; economic and social crisis in, 254–56; war and political
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