Page 462 - Western Civilization A Brief History, Volume I To 1715 9th - Jackson J. Spielvogel
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Markets: in Champagne, 206–7; Greek, 54, 56 Marriage: age at, 203; in aristocracy, 203,
205; Carolingian, 179; clerical, 305, 313; in Egypt, 23, 24; Frankish, 156; Habsburg dynastic, 295; Hammurabi’s Code on, 11–12; in Islam, 167–68; Luther on, 305, 314; in Middle Ages, 267; monogamy and, 23, 179; Protestantism and, 314; in Renaissance Italy, 278, 278; in Rome, 99, 107–8. See also Intermarriage
Mars (god), 106
Martin V (Pope), 265
Martinique, 346
Mary: queen of Scots, 372. See Virgin Mary Mary I (England), 313, 321
Mary II (England), 376, 377
Masaccio, 286, 287
Massachusetts, 347
al-Mas’udi, 193
Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy
(Newton). See Principia (Newton) Mathematics: in Arab world, 195; medieval,
214; Mesopotamian, 14; Scientific
Revolution and, 387, 391
Matthew, Gospel of, 158
Maurice (Byzantine Empire), 166 Mauryan Empire (India), 81, 342 Maximilian I (Holy Roman Empire), 295,
Maya, 334, 334
Mazarin, Jules (Cardinal), 363
Mecca, 167
Mechanics, motion and, 393
Medes: Assyria and, 37, 40; Persia and, 40,
Media (country), 40. See also Medes Medical schools, 213
Medici family: banking and, 276; Church of
San Lorenzo and, 287; Cosimo de’, 279, 283, 284, 288; Lorenzo the Magnificent, 279
Medicine: Avicenna and, 195; in Middle Ages, 180–81, 213; in Scientific Revolution, 393–94. See also Disease; Health and health care
Medieval Europe. See Early Middle Ages; High Middle Ages; Middle Ages
Medina, 167, 168
Meditations (Marcus Aurelius), 136 Mediterranean region: 9th and 10th century
invasions in, 181–83, 182 (map); in 18th century, 352–53; civilization in, 28; Greece and, 49, 56; Muslims in, 170; Nile and, 16; population of, 199 (tab.); trade, 34. See also specific locations
Megaliths (Neolithic), 28
Mehmet II (Ottomans), 296
Memoirs (Ludlow), 375
Memoirs (Saint-Simon), 364
Memphis, Egypt, 16, 42
Men: Hammurabi’s Code on, 11–12; in
Paleolithic society, 3–4; roles of, 268.
See also Gender and gender issues; Homosexuals and homosexuality; Women
Menander, 87
Menes (Egypt), 16 Mennah (Egypt), 22, 22
424 Index
Mennonites, 312
Mercantilism, 353, 365
Mercator, Gerardus, 351
Mercator projection, 351
Mercenaries, 260, 262
Merchants: in Asia, 342, 345; Egyptian, 18;
in Flanders, 206; medieval, 207, 208; mercantilism and, 353; in Renaissance, 276; slave trade and, 339. See also Commerce; Trade
Merchant ships, 339
Mercury (god), 106
Merovingian dynasty, 154, 174, 176 Mesoamerica, 334
Mesopotamia: Assyria and, 36; civilization
of, 7–14; culture of, 12–14; empires in, 9–14; Hittites and, 29; Persians and, 40; religion in, 12–13; Rome and, 125; writing in, 13–14, 13 (tab.)
Messenger, The: The Story of Joan of Arc, The
(movie), 259–60
Messenia, 56
Messiah, Jesus and, 139, 141
Mestizos, 348
Metals: Neolithic, 5. See also Gold; Silver Methodius (missionary), 191
Metropolis, Greek, 55
Mexico: Aztec civilization in, 334–36; Mayan
civilization in, 334; population of, 336; silver in, 351; Spanish conquests in, 334–36
Michael III (Byzantine Empire), 188 Michael Cerularius (Patriarch), 241 Michael Romanov, 368
Michelangelo, 273, 274, 288, 289–90, 290 Middle Ages, 173–220, 249–72; Aristotle’s
thought in, 67; Black Death in, 250–54; Byzantine civilization in, 187–89; Carolingian Empire in, 174–83; Christianity and, 233–39, 262–65; cities in, 207, 209, 210; Constantinople in, 163; culture and society in, 265–70; economic and social crisis in, 254–56; entertainment in, 269, 269; forests in, 200; homosexuality in, 239; industry in, 211; intellectual and artistic world in, 211–18; Islam in, 192–95; land and people in, 199–204; lifestyle in, 209–11; lords and vassals in, 183–87; manorial system in, 186–87, 186 (map), 187; nobility in, 202–4; Scriptures in, 162; Slavic peoples in, 190–91; trade in, 187, 204–7, 208; war and political instability in, 256–62; women in, 202, 211. See also Plague
Middle East: Alexander the Great in, 77 (map). See also Arabs and Arab world; Near East
Middle Kingdom (Carolingian Empire), 181 Middle Kingdom (Egypt), 16, 18, 20 Middle Passage, 339
Mieszko (Poland), 190
Migration: Germanic, 150, 182–83; Greek, 51; in Middle Ages, 250; of Slavs, 190 (map); Viking, 182–83
Milan: as city-state, 229; duchy of, 262, 279; population in, 209
Militarism, Egyptian, 20
Military: Assyrian, 37–38; Athenian, 59;
Byzantine, 188; in France, 365; Greek, 54–55, 55; in Hellenistic world, 82–83; in Hundred Years’ War, 256; Macedonian, 74; in Middle Ages, 184; Mycenaean, 51; Persian, 44; in Prussia, 367; Roman, 101, 101, 104, 113, 121–22, 127, 137–38, 147–48; Russian, 369, 370; in Sparta, 56–57. See also Mercenaries; Navy; Warriors
Mills, 201
Miltiades (Athens), 59
Minerals, 276
Minerva (goddess), 106
Mines and mining, 276
Ming dynasty (China), 344
Minoan Crete, 49–51, 51 (map)
Minos (Crete), 50
Miraculous cures, 180–81
Mishneh Torah, 34
Missi dominici, 176
Mission, The (movie), 350
Missions and missionaries: in Asia, 342;
Byzantine, 188; in China, 348–49; in colonies, 348–49, 351; English, 159–60; Irish monks and, 158–59; in Japan, 345; Jesuit, 317; learning revived by, 178; in Roman Empire, 142
Mita system, 337
Mithraism, 138–39, 142
Moabites, 30
Moctezuma (Aztecs), 334
Modern Devotion (mystical movement), 304 Mohenjo-Daro, 6, 6 (map)
Molie`re, Jean-Baptiste, 381–82
Moluccas (Spice Islands), 317, 328, 330, 332,
340, 353
Monarchs and monarchies: in 14th century,
260; in 17th century, 358; Anglo-Saxon, 154; Austrian, 363, 364; Carolingian, 176, 181; divine right and, 362; in Dutch Republic, 372; in eastern Europe, 230–31, 295; in England, 154, 222–24, 292–93, 372, 374, 376–78; in France, 224, 226, 256, 261, 280, 292; Frankish, 154; Germanic, 152–54, 153 (map); in Germany, 228–29, 261; Hellenistic, 80–81; Holy Roman Empire and, 228–29, 294–95; in Italy, 228–29; in northern Europe, 229–30; in Ostrogothic Italy, 152–53; in Renaissance, 292–96; in Rome, 97; in Spain, 227, 280, 293–94; in Visigothic Spain, 153–54, 153 (map).
See also Absolutism; Constitutional monarchy; Limited monarchies; specific rulers and locations
Monasticism. See Monks and monasteries Monetary system, in Rome, 138
Money: medieval trade and, 204, 207.
See also Inflation
Money payments, as scutage, 258 Mongol Empire, 230–31, 230 (map) Mongolia, 230, 344
Mongols, 230–31, 249, 250–51, 258, 295 Monks and monasteries: Carolingian
Renaissance and, 178; Cluniac reform
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