Page 463 - Western Civilization A Brief History, Volume I To 1715 9th - Jackson J. Spielvogel
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movement and, 232; decline of, 232; medieval, 221; missions of, 157–60; relics and, 237–38; social services and, 235–37
Monogamy, 179; in Egypt, 23 Monotheism, 32
Montefeltro family (Urbino), 280 Montpellier, 250
Monumental architecture, 6 Morality, in Jewish tradition, 32 Moravia, 312
Mortality. See Death rates Moscow, 231, 368
Moses, 30, 32, 167
Moses ben Maimon. See Maimonides, Moses Mosques: in Co´rdoba, 194; Hagia Sophia as,
Mother, The (de Hooch), 373, 373
Mothers, 278. See also Families; Women Motion, 387, 388, 389, 391, 393
Movable type, 286
Movement: by humans, 2, 3 (map). See also
Muawiya, as caliph, 168
Mughal Empire, 342, 342 (map) Muhammad, 167–68
Mu¨hlberg, Battle of, 308
Mulattoes, 348
Multiracial society, in Latin America, 348 Multiregional theory, of human origins, 2 Mumbai (Bombay), 330
Mummification, in Egypt, 19
Murad (Ottoman Turks), 296
Murder: punishment of, 209. See also Crime Museums, in Alexandria, 85
Music: of Hildegard of Bingen, 236. See also
Muslims: Byzantine Empire and, 168;
cleanliness and, 192; communities of, 167; Crusades and, 241, 243, 245–46; in India, 342; invasions by, 181; medieval thought and, 214; politics of, 167; in Spain, 227, 293, 294; trade and, 250. See also Crusades; Islam
Myanmar. See Burma (Myanmar) Mycenae and Mycenaean Greeks, 51, 51
(map); Hittites and, 29; Homer’s epics
and, 52
Mystery religions, 90, 138–39, 142 Mysticism, 304, 316
Nagasaki, 345
Naples: kingdom of, 261, 279–80;
population of, 209
Narva, Battle of, 369
Naseby, battle at, 375
Native Americans. See Indians
Native peoples: Christianization of, 348.
See also Indians (Native Americans) Natural law, in Rome, 109, 127 Natural philosophers, 386
Natural rights, 127
Navarre, 227, 320
Navigational aids, 387; astrolabe, 195, 329;
compass, 329
Navy: Athenian, 59, 60, 62; Russian, 369.
See also Armada (Spain); Military; Ships and shipping
Neanderthals, 2
Near East: ancient civilizations in, 1–24, 8
(map); empires in, 28; Hellenistic culture in, 83; peoples and empires in, 27–45. See also Middle East
Nebamun (Egyptian nobleman), 22, 22 Nebuchadnezzar II (Chaldean), 40 Neo-Babylonian Empire, 36 (map), 40, 43,
Neolithic Revolution, 4–6, 28; megaliths and,
Neoplatonism, 283–84, 289–90
Nepotism, 297
Nero (Rome), 124, 134, 142
Nerva (Rome), 125
Netherlands: Anabaptists in, 312; Calvinism
in, 314, 321; in Carolingian Empire, 181; sciences and, 391; Spain and, 320–21, 321 (map), 366. See also Austrian Netherlands; Dutch; Dutch Republic; Low Countries; Spanish Netherlands
New Cicero, The (Bruni), 283
New Comedy, Hellenistic, 87, 109
New England, exploration of, 333 Newfoundland, 183
New France. See also Canada
New Kingdom: Egyptian, 16, 20, 21, 23;
Hittite, 29
New man (Rome), 113
New Model Army (England), 374
New monarchies, in Renaissance, 292–96 New Netherland, 346–47
‘‘New Rome,’’ Byzantium as, 149
New Spain, 337
New Stone Age. See Neolithic Revolution New Testament, 142, 161, 305. See also Bible Newton, Isaac, 387, 391, 393, 399
New World: European diseases in, 335, 336,
337; exploration of, 331, 333–37; Portugal and, 328; Spain and, 320, 331, 333–37; voyages to, 327, 328, 331, 333–37; women in, 351. See also America(s)
New York, 347
Nicaea, Council of, 150
Nicene Creed, 188
Nicholas (saint), 237
Nicholas of Cologne, 245
Night Watch, The (Rembrandt), 380 Nile River region, 6, 14–16, 17 (map).
See also Egypt (ancient) Nimrud, 38
Nin˜a (ship), 333
Ninety-Five Theses (Luther), 305, 306 Nineveh, 31, 37, 37; capture by Medes, 40;
library at, 38
Ninhursaga (goddess), 12
Nobiles (Rome), 112
Nobility: in 14th century, 254, 255, 260;
Assyrian, 36–37; in Athens, 58, 60; Carolingian, 176; in Egypt, 18; in France, 292, 363–64; Frankish, 176; German, 232; in High Middle Ages, 202–4, 222; marriage in, 203, 205; papacy and, 232–33; in Prussia, 367; in Renaissance, 277; in Rome, 112, 147; in Russia, 368; in Scandinavia, 229–30; in Spain, 366
Nogarola, Isotta, 285
Nomads, 150, 166, 230; Hebrews as, 30;
Paleolithic, 3; Persians as, 40. See also
Nomes (provinces) and nomarchs, in Egypt,
Normandy, 183, 224, 256, 258
Normans, 222–23, 223, 241
Norsemen. See Vikings
North Africa: Carthage and, 34, 102; Islamic
dynasty in, 194; Roman colonies in, 103,
North America: British in, 347, 351; Dutch
in, 346–47; French in, 347, 351; Spain
and, 351; Vikings in, 183
Northern Europe: artistic Renaissance in,
290–91; Jews in, 239; kingdoms in, 229–30, 230 (map); sciences in, 391; universities in, 212
Northern Renaissance humanism, 302–3 Northmen, Vikings as, 181–83 Northumbria, 160, 178
Norway: kingdom of, 229–30. See also
Notre-Dame Cathedral (Paris): architecture
of, 217, 217; school at, 212; Virgin Mary
and, 237
Novgorod, 183, 191
Nubia, Egypt and, 18, 20, 21
Nuclear family, 179
Number system, Sumerian, 14
Nuns, 158, 160, 234, 235–37, 237, 348.
See also Convents Nuremberg, 261 Nutrition, 351 Nystadt, Peace of, 369
Observations upon Experimental Philosophy...
(Cavendish), 395
Observatories, 399–400
Obsidian, 5
Octavian. See Augustus (Octavian, Rome) Odoacer, 150, 152
Odyssey (Homer), 52, 53–54
Oeconomicus (Xenophon), 69
Oedipus the King (Sophocles), 63
Old Babylonians. See Amorites; Babylon and
Old Kingdom (Egypt), 16–17, 17 (map), 18,
Old Stone Age. See Paleolithic Age
Old Testament. See Bible; Hebrew Bible
Oleg (Rus), 191
Oligarchy: in Athens, 58; in Florence, 279; in
Greece, 56, 62; in Rome, 112; in Venice,
Olivares (Count), 366
Olympia, 49, 67
Olympic Games, 49; Macedonia and, 74;
origins of, 67
‘‘On Chastity’’ (Phintys), 85
On Marriage, by merchant of Paris, 205
On the Fabric of the Human Body (Vesalius),
On the Family (Alberti), 278
On the Freedom of a Christian Man (Luther),
Index 425
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