Page 459 - Western Civilization A Brief History, Volume I To 1715 9th - Jackson J. Spielvogel
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Henry VII (England), 292–93, 333
Henry VIII (England), 312–13, 321, 322 Henry of Navarre, 320
Henry the Navigator (Portugal), 329, 331
Heracles (Greek hero), 80
Heraklion, 50
Herbs, in medicine, 180
Heresy: in Middle Ages, 238; religious orders
and, 235; in Renaissance, 296–97; in
Roman Empire, 149–50, 152, 154 Hermes (god), 106
Hermeticism, 284, 387, 388 Herodotus (historian), 96; on
mummification, 19; on Persians, 41;
Persian Wars, The, by, 62
Heroic character, Homer on, 52, 53, 54 Hevelius, Johannes, 391
Hierarchies (social), as characteristic of
civilizations, 6
Hieroglyphics, Egyptian, 20
High Middle Ages, 198–220; Catholic Church
in, 221–22, 232–39; cities in, 207, 209; Crusades and, 239–46; industry in, 211; intellectual and artistic world in, 211–18; Jews in, 238–39, 240; kingdoms in, 222–31; land and people in, 199–204; lifestyle in, 209–11; trade in, 204–7, 208. See also Middle Ages
High Renaissance, artistic, 287–90 Hilda of Whitby (Saint), 160 Hildegard of Bingen, 234, 236, 236 Hindus, in India, 342
Hippocrates, 213
Hippodrome (Constantinople), 164–65 Hirado (island), 345
Hispaniola, 333, 336
Histories (Tacitus), 132
History and historians: Greek, 62–63;
Hellenistic, 87
History of Rome, The (Livy), 108, 131–32 History of the Peloponnesian War
(Thucydides), 61, 63
History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, The (Clarendon), 375–76
Hittites: Assyrians and, 36; empire of, 29 Hobbes, Thomas, 377–78
Hohenstaufen dynasty, 228–29, 261 Hohenzollern dynasty, 367
Holbein, Hans, the Younger, 303
Holidays, 202
Holland. See Dutch; Netherlands
Holy Land, 230. See also Crusades; Israel and
Israelites (ancient); Jerusalem
Holy League, 320
Holy Office. See Roman Inquisition
Holy Roman Empire: in 12th century, 228
(map); in 14th century, 261 (map); Catholic Church and, 263; divisions in, 359; France and, 308; German city-states and, 261; Habsburgs and, 295, 308; independence of states in, 361; monarchs and monarchies in, 228–29; Thirty Years’ War and, 359, 361–62
Homer, 52; on Greek gods, 67; Iliad of, 52; importance of, 52–54; Mycenae and, 51
Hominids, 2
Homo erectus, 2
Homo sapiens, 2
Homo sapiens sapiens, 2, 3 (map) Homosexuals and homosexuality: in Athens,
70; church condemnation of, 179;
medieval intolerance of, 239
Hondius, Henricus, 352
Hoplites: Greek, 54–55, 55, 59; Macedonian,
Horace (Roman poet), 105, 130
Horatius (Roman hero), 94, 94–95 Horses, 184, 348
Horus (god), 19, 90
Household manuals, 373
Households: Carolingian, 179; of medieval
peasants, 202
House of Commons (England), 224, 260–61,
House of Lords (England), 224, 260–61, 374 House of Wisdom (Baghdad), 194
Housing: in Athens, 68; in cities, 209; in
Mesopotamia, 7; Neolithic, 4; Paleolithic,
4; Roman, 111
Huayna Inca, 336
Hudson, Henry, 346
Huguenots, 320, 363, 364–65
Humanism: Christian, 302–3; education and,
284; Luther and, 307; in Renaissance, 274; in Renaissance Italy, 281, 283–84; sciences and, 386
Humans, early, 2–3
Hundred Years’ War, 256–58, 257 (map) Hungary: Austria and, 367; Christianity in,
190–91; Magyars in, 181; Mongols in, 231; Ottomans and, 296, 309, 370; revolts in, 362; Roman Catholicism in, 295
Huns, 150, 151, 230
Hunter-gatherers, of Old Stone Age, 3 Hunting, in Egypt, 22, 22
Hus, John, and Hussites, 296
Husbands, Hammurabi’s Code on, 11–12 Hussite wars, 296
Hydaspes River, Battle of the, 77, 78 Hyde, Edward (first earl of Clarendon),
Hygiene, 211
Hyksos people, 20
Hymn to Aten (Akhenaten), 21
Iberian peninsula, 293. See also Portugal; Spain
Ibn al-Athir, 244
Ibn Fadlan, 192
Ibn Khaldun, 208–9
Ibn-Rushd. See Averroe¨s
Ibn Sina. See Avicenna (Ibn Sina) Ice age, ‘‘little,’’ 250, 358 Iceland, 183
Ideas, power of, 28
Ignatius of Loyola (Saint), 317, 317, 318 ˆIle de France, 224
Iliad (Homer), 52, 52, 53
Illness. See Disease; Medicine
Illyrians, Philip II (Macedonia) and, 74 Imitation of Christ, The (Thomas a` Kempis),
Immortality: Mesopotamian search for, 14; in mystery religions, 142
Immortals (Persian infantry), 44
Imperator (Rome), 122
Imperialism: in 19th century, 352; Athenian,
60–61, 62; Egyptian, 20; Roman, 104,
Imperium (Rome), 98
Imports, 353
Inca Empire, 336, 336
Incarnation, 215
Incest, Hammurabi’s Code on, 12 Independents, Puritans as, 374
Index of Forbidden Books, 319
India: Alexander the Great in, 77; civilization
in, 6; Dutch and, 342; England and, 342, 344, 351; France and, 342, 351; Hellenistic sculpture and, 88, 88; Jesuits in, 317; Mauryan Empire in, 81; Mughal Empire in, 342, 342 (map); Persians and, 40; Portugal and, 329–30, 342; spice trade in, 332
Indian Ocean region, 167, 342
Indians (Native Americans): conversion of,
337; in Latin American society, 348; Spanish treatment of, 336–37; use of term, 333
Individualism, 281, 288
Indo-European languages, 28, 29 (tab.), 97;
of Persians, 40
Indo-European peoples, 28–29, 40, 51 Indo-Iranian languages, 29 (tab.) Indonesia, Dutch and, 341, 348 Induction, 399
Indulgences, 304, 305, 306
Indus River region, 6, 77 (map) Industry: Greek colonization and, 56; in
medieval cities, 211; in Renaissance, 276,
286; in Roman Empire, 129
Infant mortality, 250
Infantry: Macedonian, 74. See also Military;
specific battles and wars
Inflation: in 16th century, 352; in late
Roman Empire, 148. See also Economy Inheritance: by Egyptian women, 23;
Hammurabi’s Code on, 12
Innocent III (Pope), 233, 234, 238, 238, 240,
Inquisition: Galileo and, 386, 390–91;
Roman, 238, 319, 390–91; Spanish,
Institutes of the Christian Religion (Calvin),
Instruction of the Vizier Ptah-hotep, The, 23 Insulae (Rome), 134
Intellectual thought: in Athens, 65–67;
Carolingian, 178; as characteristic of civilizations, 6; Chinese influence on, 351; Christianity and, 160–62; classical revival and, 213–14; in Hellenistic world, 85, 86–87, 88–90; among Irish monks, 158–59; Islamic, 194–95; of Latin Fathers of Catholic Church, 161; medieval universities and, 211–13, 212 (map), 213, 214; in Renaissance Italy, 281, 283–86; Roman law revival and, 214; Scholasticism and, 214–16; women
Index 421
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