Page 469 - Western Civilization A Brief History, Volume I To 1715 9th - Jackson J. Spielvogel
P. 469

Ulpian (Rome), 127
Ultra-Catholics, 320
Umayyad dynasty, 168–69, 170, 192, 194 Umma, 7
Unam Sanctam (Boniface VIII), 263, 264 Unification, of Spain, 293
United Netherlands. See Dutch Republic United Provinces. See Dutch Republic United States, slavery and, 339
Universal law of gravitation, 393 Universal person, 275
Universe: geocentric view of, 88, 387;
heliocentric view of, 88, 388, 389, 390; Kepler on, 388–89; medieval conception of, 388; Scientific Revolution and, 387–88. See also Astronomy
Universities and colleges: in High Middle Ages, 211–13, 212 (map), 213, 214; violence in, 213; women and, 213. See also Education; specific schools
Upper Austria, 367
Upper classes: diet of, 180; in Rome, 107–8,
126, 127, 130, 132, 133. See also Classes Upper Egypt, 16
Ur, 7, 9, 9–10
Urban II (Pope), 241, 242, 243 (map) Urban VI (Pope), 265
Urban areas: in 14th century, 267; Hellenistic, 83–84; in High Middle Ages, 207, 209, 210; in Renaissance, 274.
See also Cities and towns
Urbino, 279, 280 Ur-Nammu (Ur), 10 Uruk, 1, 2, 7 Uzbekistan, 6
Valencia, 227
Valerian (Rome), 137–38
Valley of Mexico, 334. See also Mexico Valois dynasty (France), 256, 308, 320 Values, 111, 124; Greek, 52, 53; Spartan,
Vandals, 150, 153 (map), 162
Van Eyck, Jan, 290–91, 292
Varangians, Swedish Vikings as, 191 Varus (Rome), Teutoburg Forest massacre
and, 122
Vasari, Giorgio, 274, 291
Vassals and vassalage, 183–86, 232, 256 Vatican Palace, 289
Venice: crusades and, 243, 245; population
of, 209; republic of, 228 (map), 229, 262,
279; trade and, 205, 276
Veracruz, Corte´s in, 334
Verdun, Treaty of, 181, 181 (map) Vernacular languages: literature in, 216,
266–67; in Renaissance, 296
Versailles: Hall of Mirrors at, 365; lifestyle
at, 363
Vesalius, Andreas, 394, 397
Vespasian (Rome), 124, 135
Vespucci, Amerigo, 333
Vesta (goddess), 106
Viceroy, 337
Vienna, Ottomans and, 309, 367, 370 Vienne, France, Romanesque church in, 216
Vietnam, 342, 344
Vikings: in England, 182–83, 183; in Russia,
Villages, 202
Violence, at medieval universities, 213 Virgil, 129
Virginia, Jamestown in, 347
Virginity, cult of, 160
Virgin Mary, 237
Virtue, Stoics on, 89
Visconti family: as dukes, 262; end of
lineage, 279; Florence and, 229 Visigoths: kingdom of, 153 (map); Muslims
and, 169; Rome and, 150; in Spain,
Vision (movie), 236
Vizier (Egypt), 17
Vladimir (Rus state), 191
Volga River region, 191, 231
Volscians, 99
Von Bora, Katherina, 308
Voting and voting rights: in Rome, 99; in
Sparta, 57
Voyages of exploration, 327, 328, 329–31,
Wages, price revolution and, 352 Wales, 154
Wallachia, 296
Walled cities, 207
Walsingham, Francis, 323
Warka, Uruk ruins in, 1, 2
Warriors, 203; Assyrian, 37; Mycenaean, 51 Wars and warfare: Assyrian siege warfare,
38; over colonies, 351; Dutch and, 372; Greek, 55; Hellenistic, 83; in Italy, 280; of Louis XIV, 365–66; nobility in, 202; Roman, 99–100; slave trade and, 339; Sumerian, 9–10. See also specific battles and wars
Wars of Religion, 319–20
Wars of the Roses (England), 292
Wartburg Castle, Luther at, 305
War with Catiline, The (Sallust), 114
Water, sources of, 209, 211
Water pollution, 209, 211
Water power, 201
Way of the Samurai, The, 185
Wealth: in Arab Empire, 193; in High Middle
Ages, 203; of Persian rulers, 44 Wealth gap, in Rome, 129, 130, 134 Weapons: in African trade, 348; Assyrian,
36, 37; Byzantine, 165; Hittite, 29; of horsemen, 184; in Hundred Years’ War, 256, 258; iron, 52; Japan and, 345; Portuguese, 331; Roman, 104, 105
Weddings, in Renaissance, 278
Wergeld, 154, 156
West, the. See Western civilization
West Africa, 338, 339, 347–48
Western civilization: ancient Near East and,
1–24; Hittite role in, 29; Southeast Asia
and, 339–42
Western Europe: absolutism in, 358, 362–66;
civilization of, 174; population of, 199 (tab.); Russia and, 369
Western Franks, 181. See also France; Franks Westernization, of Russia, 369
Western Roman Empire, 150, 152, 162 Western Slavs, 190–91, 190 (map)
West Indies, 346 (map)
Westphalia, Peace of, 361–62, 366, 372 Whitby, monastery of, 160
William III (Orange), 372, 376, 377 William and Mary (England), 376, 377 William of Aquitaine, 232
William of Nassau (prince of Orange), 321 William of Normandy (the Conqueror),
William of Orange, 372
Wimborne, abbess of, 160
Wind power, 201
Winkelmann, Maria, 395–96
Wisdom, Greek, 65–67
Wisdom literature, in Egypt, 21
Witchcraft, 358–59
Wittenberg, Luther in, 304, 305, 307 Wives: Carolingian, 179; Hammurabi’s Code
on, 11–12; in Islam, 167–68. See also
Families; Women
Women: in 14th century, 270; in aristocracy,
203–4; Aristotle and, 67; in Athens, 68, 68–70; in Byzantine Empire, 188–89; in Carolingian Empire, 179; celibacy and, 160; Christianity and, 143; Christine de Pizan on, 267; in cities, 211; debates on nature of, 396–97; education and, 107, 284, 285; in Egypt, 23; in Frankish society, 156; in Greece, 54; Hammurabi’s Code on, 11–12; in Hellenistic world, 85, 86; in Homeric world, 53–54; in Italian Renaissance, 280, 284–85; medieval, 202, 211; missionary nunneries and, 348; monasticism and, 158, 160; in New World, 351; in Paleolithic society, 3–4; Plato and, 66; Protestant, 315; in religious orders, 234; in Renaissance Italy, 278; roles of, 268; in Rome, 107–8, 109, 132; in Russia, 369; in sciences, 395–97; in Slavic world, 191; in Sparta, 57–58; universities and, 213; witchcraft and, 359. See also Birth control; Gender and gender issues; Sex and sexuality
Woolen industry, 206, 255–56, 276 Workers: in Egypt, 18, 23. See also Labor;
Working class(es)
Working class(es): in Renaissance, 277.
See also Workers
Workplace, 268
World-machine, of Newton, 393
Worldview: Mesopotamian, 12; scientific, 386 Worms, Jews of, 239
Writing: cuneiform, 13 (tab.); in Egypt, 20;
Greek, 52; Mesopotamian, 13–14, 13 (tab.); in Neolithic period, 5; Phoenician, 35, 36 (tab.); Sumerian, 13 (tab.). See also Alphabet
Wyclif, John, 296
Xavier, Francis (Saint), 317, 345 Xenophon, 69
Xerxes (Persia), 59
Index 431
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