Page 468 - Western Civilization A Brief History, Volume I To 1715 9th - Jackson J. Spielvogel
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Strategikon (Maurice), 166
Strategoi (Athens), 60
Strozzi family: Alessandra, 278; marriage
negotiations and, 278
Struggle of the orders (Rome), 99 Students: in medieval universities, 211–13,
212 (map), 213, 214. See also Universities
and colleges Styria, 367
Subinfeudation, 184, 186
Suetonius, 115
Suffrage. See Voting and voting rights Sugar and sugar industry, sugar plantations
and, 338, 346, 346
Suger (abbot of Saint-Denis), 200, 217 Suleiman I the Magnificent (Ottoman
Empire), 308–9, 370
Sulla, Lucius Cornelius (Rome), 113 Sultans, of Seljuk Turks, 241
Sumatra, 341
Sumeria, 7–9; astronomy in, 14; writing in,
13–14, 13 (tab.). See also Mesopotamia Summa Theologica (Thomas Aquinas), 214,
Sunni Muslims, 168, 241
Supe River Valley, Peru, 6–7 Suppiluliumas I (Hittites), 29
Surat, India, 342
Susa (Persian capital), 43, 44, 77
Sweden: kingdom of, 229–30; Russia and,
369; Thirty Years’ War and, 361; upheavals in, 362; Vikings from, 191. See also Scandinavia
Sweet potato, 348
Swiss Brethren, 312
Switzerland, 310, 310 (map), 312, 313–14 Syncretism, 90
Syracuse, battle at, 89
Syria: Alexander the Great and, 76;
Byzantines and, 188; city-states in, 28; Egypt and, 18, 20, 21; Hittites and, 29; Zenobia in, 138
Syriac language, 10 (tab.)
Tacitus, 121, 124–25, 132, 135 Taille (French tax), 292 Tamerlane, 342
Tariffs, 353, 365
Tartuffe (Molie`re), 382
Taverns, 180, 315
Taxation: British, in India, 344; in Egypt, 17,
18; in England, 224, 255, 374, 376; in
France, 263, 292; in Rome, 148
Tea, 345, 351, 354
Teaching, 212–13
Technology: agricultural, 200–201; Scientific
Revolution and, 387, 399. See also specific
Telescope, 387, 389, 391
Tell el-Amarna, 20
Temple(s): Greek, 61, 64, 64–65, 67; in
Jerusalem, 30, 41, 91, 139; Mesopotamian, 12; Roman, 106; Sumerian, 8
Temuchin. See Genghis Khan Tenant farmers, in Rome, 129, 149 ‘‘Ten lost tribes,’’ of Israel, 30
430 Index
Tenochtitla´n, 334, 335
Teresa of Avila (Saint), 316
Tertullian, 160
Test Act (England), 374
Testelin, Henri, 399
Tetzel, Johann, 305, 306
Teutoburg Forest massacre, 122
Teutonic Knights, 230, 230 (map), 231 Texas, missions in, 348
Texcoco, Lake, 334
Textiles and textile industry, in Flanders, 276 Thailand (Siam), 342
Theater. See Drama
Thebes, 20, 21, 49, 62
Theocracy, Sumerian, 8
Theocritus, 86–87
Theodoric (Ostrogoths), 150, 152 Theodosius I ‘‘the Great’’ (Rome), 149 Theology: Christian, 150; conciliarism and,
265; Hermetic writings and, 284; Luther and, 304; scholasticism and, 214; of Zwingli, 310–12
Thera (island), 51
Thermopylae, battle at, 59
Thessaly, 49
Third Crusade, 245
Third Estate, in European society, 277 Third Philippic, The (Demosthenes), 75 Third Punic War, 103
Thirty Years’ War, 359, 361–62, 361 (map),
Thomas (apostle), community in India and,
Thomas a` Becket (England), 223–24 Thomas a` Kempis, 304
Thomas Aquinas, 214–15, 239, 267–68 Thrace, 42, 43, 74
Three-field system, 201–2
Throne of Saint Peter (Bernini), 379 Thucydides, 61, 283; as historian, 62–63 Thutmosis III (Egypt), 23
Tiberius (Rome), 124, 129
Tiberius Gracchus (Rome), 112
Tiber River, 95
Tigris River region, 6, 7, 36
Time, clocks and, 268, 270
Time of Troubles (Russia), 368
Tithes, 187
Titian, 308, 321
Titus (Rome), 135
Tlaxcala, 334, 335
Tokugawa Ieyasu (Japan), 345 Toleration. See Religious toleration Toleration Act (England, 1689), 376 Tombs, 97; Sumerian, 9
Tonkin, letters of Louis XIV to king of,
Tools: Neolithic, 5–6; stone, 2
Topa Inca, 336
Torah, 34
Tordesillas, Treaty of, 333
Touraine, 224
Tournaments, medieval, 203, 204
Tours, battle of, 169
Towns. See Cities and towns; Villages
Trade: in Arab world, 166, 167; Assyrian, 38;
in Athens, 68; with China, 345;
commercial capitalism and, 353; in Constantinople, 163, 188; Dutch, 372; Egyptian, 16, 18; French, 365; globalization and, 353–54; Greek, 52, 55–56; Hellenistic, 85; with India, 342; in Mediterranean region, 34; Mesopotamian, 9; in Middle Ages, 187, 204–7, 208, 249, 255; Muslim, 193; Neolithic, 5; overseas, 353–54; plague and, 250–51; in Renaissance, 276; Roman, 127–29, 128 (map); triangular, 338–39, 338 (map); worldwide, 332. See also Mercantilism; Slave trade
Trade routes: in Middle Ages, 206 (map), 207 (map); in Roman Empire, 127–29, 128 (map)
Trading companies: British East India Company, 344, 345; Dutch East India Company, 341, 341, 353
Trading empire, of Portugal, 330
Trading posts, European, 205–6, 342 Tragedy, Greek, 63
Traini, Francisco, 254
Trajan (Rome), 125, 126, 126 (map), 135,
Transubstantiation, Luther on, 307 Transylvania, 367
Travels (Polo), 328–29
Travels of John Mandeville, The, 328
Treaties: of Tordesillas, 333; of Verdun, 181,
181 (map)
Trent, Council of, 319
‘‘Trial of Suzanne Gaudry, The,’’ 360 Trials, for witchcraft, 358, 359, 360 Triangular trade, 338–39, 338 (map) Tribunes of the plebs (Rome), 99, 112 Tribute: to Athens, 60; in Persian Empire,
Tribute Money (Masaccio), 286
Trier (Roman city), 127
Trilogy, in Greek drama, 63
Trinity, 215
Tripoli, as crusader state, 243
Triumph of Death, The (Traini), 254 Trivium, 162
Trojan War, Homer and, 52, 52 Troubadour poetry, 216
Troy, 51, 52
Truth, Plato on, 66
Tudor dynasty (England), 292–93, 372 Tullia (Rome), 108
Turkey, 29; as Anatolia, 29, 241; ancient, 4;
Indo-Europeans in, 29
Turkmenistan, 6
Turks, 241, 320. See also Ottoman Empire;
Ottoman Turks
Tutankhamun (Egypt), 21
Twelve Tables of Law (Rome), 108–9, 110 Twentieth Dynasty (Egypt), 21
Two Treatises of Government (Locke), 378 Two Women Teach a Child to Walk (de
Hooch), 373, 373
Tyler, Wat, 255
Tyrants and tyranny, 56, 58 Tyre, 34, 102
Tyrol, 367
Tyrrhenian Sea, 95
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