Page 467 - Western Civilization A Brief History, Volume I To 1715 9th - Jackson J. Spielvogel
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Scientific societies, 396, 398, 399, 399–400 Scipio, Publius Cornelius. See Scipio
Scipio Africanus, 103
Scotland: Calvinism in, 314; England and,
372; Knox in, 314; Presbyterian Church
in, 372
Scribes: monastic, 178; Sumerian, 14 Scriptoria, 178
Scripture, 162, 303, 310, 319. See also
Catholic Church; Protestantism; Theology Sculpture: Baroque, 379, 379; Greek, 65, 65;
Hellenistic, 87, 87–88; in Italian
Renaissance, 287, 287; Roman, 111 Scutage, 258
Sea Peoples, 21, 29, 34
Sea routes, in Renaissance, 276 Seasons, peasant activities in, 202 Second Crusade, 243
Second Estate, in European society, 277 Second Intermediate Period (Egypt), 20 Second Punic War, 103
Secularism, 357–58, 386; Renaissance and,
Sejm (Polish parliament), 295
Seleucid dynasty, 81; Hannibal and, 103;
Jews and, 91, 139 Seleucus, 81
Self-government, in towns, 207
Seljuk Turks, 241, 296
Semitic languages, 10 (tab.); of Assyrians, 36,
38; of Hyksos, 20
Semitic peoples, 10
Senate, in Rome, 98, 112, 115, 121, 126 Senatorial order, in Rome, 123–24
Seneca, 132
Sennacherib (Assyria), 31, 39
Separation of church and state, 312 Septimius Severus (Rome), 137, 137 Serbia, 296
Serbs, 188, 191
Serfs and serfdom: in 16th century, 353; in
Egypt, 18; in manorial system, 186–87; as
peasants, 201. See also Peasants Sermon on the Mount, 139
Servian Wall (Rome), 98
Settlements: Neolithic, 4–5; Viking, 183,
191. See also Colonies and colonization Seven Wonders of the ancient world, 40 Seven Years’ War, India and, 344
Sex and sexuality: in Carolingian Empire,
179; Christianity and, 179; Hammurabi’s Code on, 12; in marriage, 314. See also Gender and gender issues
Seymour, Jane, 313
Sforza family (Milan), 279
Shakespeare, William, 381
Shamash (god), 11
Shang Dynasty (China), 6
Shari’a, 167
Shelter: of Paleolithic peoples, 4. See also
Shi’ite Muslims, 168, 241
Shikoku, 349
Ships and shipping: exploration and, 329;
Phoenician, 34; pirates and, 351; Portuguese, 330–31; slave trade and,
338–39, 340; Vikings and, 181, 183.
See also Navy; Sailors and sailing Shogun (Japan), 345
Siam. See Thailand (Siam)
Sicily: Aragon rulers in, 261–62; Carthage
and, 102; geography of, 95; Greeks in, 96; Kingdom of, 228 (map), 229; Phoenicians in, 34; in Renaissance, 279–80; as Roman province, 103
Sidon, 34
Siege warfare, Assyrian, 38
Sigismund (Holy Roman Empire), 265, 296 Silesia, 231, 367 (map)
Silk and silk industry, 163
Silk Road, 128 (map), 129, 250
Silver: in New World, 351; for trade, 207,
Silver age, of Latin literature, 132
Simeon the Stylite (Saint), 157
Simons, Menno, 312
Sinai peninsula, 125
Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo and, 273, 274,
Sixtus IV (Pope), 297
Slave labor: in Athens, 68; in Rome, 106–7 Slavery: African, 338–39, 340; in Greece, 54;
in Haiti, 346; in Renaissance, 278; Rome and, 107, 113, 132, 133; Sumerian, 9; in United States, 339; in West Indies, 346
Slave trade: in Atlantic Ocean region, 338–39, 338 (map), 340; consequences of, 347; in Latin America, 348
Slavic peoples: Charlemagne and, 176; eastern, 190 (map), 191; in eastern Europe, 230 (map), 295; Germany and, 230; migrations of, 190 (map); southern, 190 (map), 191; western, 190–91, 190 (map); women, 191
Slavonic alphabet. See Cyrillic (Slavonic) alphabet
Slovenia, 367
Smallpox: Aztecs and, 335, 337; Inca and,
Social classes. See Classes
Social services, monasticism and, 235–37 Society. See Classes; Lifestyle; Religion(s) Society of Friends. See Quakers
Society of Jesus. See Jesuits
Socrates and Socratic method, 66
Sogdia, 40
Solar system. See Universe
Soldiers: Spartan, 56–57. See also Military;
Wars and warfare; specific battles and
Solomon (Israel), 27–28, 30
Solon (Athens), 58
Song of Roland, The, 216
Son of Heaven, Chinese emperor as, 344 Sophists, 65–66
Sophocles, 63, 283
South Africa, ancient humans in, 2
South America: Spain and, 333, 345. See also
Latin America
Southeast Asia: in 1700, 341 (map); Dutch
in, 340–41, 353; western involvement in,
339–42, 341
Southern Slavs, 190 (map), 191
Southwest Asia, 2, 6, 7
Spain: in Americas, 345–47, 348; in Asia,
340; Aztecs and, 334–36; Black Death in, 251; Carthaginian empire and, 102, 103; Catholic Church in, 293, 320–21; Charlemagne and, 174; decline of, 366; drama in, 381; exploration by, 328, 331, 333–37; France and, 280, 366; government of, 366; Habsburg emperors and, 308; Inca Empire and, 336; Italy and, 280; Jews expelled from, 293–94; kingdom in, 227; Latin America and, 348; Muslims in, 169, 193, 194, 293, 294; Netherlands and, 320–21, 321 (map); New World and, 320; Ottoman Turks and, 370; Phoenicians in, 34; Reconquista in, 227, 227 (map); revolts and, 362; Romanization in, 126; Rome and, 103, 115, 126; slavery and, 338; Southeast Asia and, 340; sphere of influence of, 333; Thirty Years’ War and, 361, 366; unification of, 293; Vandals in, 150; Visigoths in, 150, 153–54
Spanish Armada, 324
Spanish Empire, 336
Spanish Inquisition, 294
Spanish Netherlands, 320–21, 321 (map),
Sparta, 49, 56–58; Athens and, 48–49,
61–62; government of, 58; military in, 56–57; Peloponnesus and, 56, 58; Persians and, 59, 62; women in, 57–58, 69–70
Spartacus, revolt by, 107, 113 Spartianus, Aelius, 120
‘‘Speech at Tilbury’’ (Elizabeth I), 322 Speyer, Jews of, 239
Spheres of influence, of women, 397
Spice Islands. See Moluccas (Spice Islands) Spices and spice trade: in Byzantine Empire,
163; Dutch and, 340, 341; England and,
342; Portugal and, 330, 340
Spiritual Exercises, The (Loyola), 317, 318 Spirituality: Egyptian, 18–19. See also
Sri Lanka (Ceylon), 332, 341
Stadholder, 372
Stained glass, 217, 218
Standard of living. See Lifestyle
Standing army, 369
Starry Messenger, The (Galileo), 390
State (nation): Plato on, 66; in Renaissance,
292–96; of Sparta, 58. See also Church
and state; Government
State of nature, Hobbes on, 378 States General (Netherlands), 372 Statues: in Çatal Hu¨ yu¨ k, 4–5. See also
Status. See Classes
Statute of Laborers (England), 254 Stele of Hammurabi. See Code of
Hammurabi Stephen (Saint), 191 Stoicism, 89–90, 132 Stonehenge, 28, 29 Stone tools, 2, 5
Strait of Magellan, 328
Index 429
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