Page 37 - 2021 Student & Teacher Handbook家长&学生手册
P. 37

 (6)不按时上交手机 3 次,减扣 1 学分;晚间拒不上交手机的,减扣 4 学分(将没收 手机一个月,写书面检查合格后返还)Students who do not turn in cell phones on time 3 times, will lose 1 point; Students who refuse to turn in cell phones at night, will lose 4 points(the cell phone will be confiscated for one month and returned after a written introspection).
  8. 学生违纪处理办法 Student Discipline Policy
8.1 融育学校对每个学生的行为规范采取考量化核制度(记功/记过)。完成课堂和课外
Shanghai Honor School has a quantitative assessment system(merit/demerit) to teach students to enforce appropriate behavior. Students will receive merits for work done in the classroom and extra-curricular activities. In the case of the infraction of school rules, students will receive demerits and will be disciplined accordingly.
8.2 所有违纪行为都将受到相应处罚。针对屡次违纪行为,将采取相应的惩罚措施。具 体包括:口头警告、约谈教育、书面反省、通知家长、家长到校和纪律处分;其他惩戒有校 园服务或公益劳动、下午放学后暂停社团活动进行反思、部分课程停课、停课回家反省等。
All disciplinary offences will be punished. We will take repeated offenses very seriously and will assign consequences accordingly, which include: verbal warning, educational interview, written introspection, parental notification, parental visit and disciplinary action; other punishments including campus service or public service work, detention during club time after school in the afternoon, suspension from some classes, in-school suspension, etc.
8.3 学生发展中心将保存学生的行为规范记录,所有纪律处分都将保留在学生档案和学 校数据库。以下表格是违纪行为处理办法。
The Student Development Center will keep accurate records of students behavior. All discipline issues are recorded in students’ profile as well as in the school database. The table below shows the approaches to disciplinary action
      违纪 一次 违纪 二次 违纪 三次 违纪 四次 违纪
Discipline First Time Second Time Third Time Fourth Time
      36 / 57

   35   36   37   38   39