Page 36 - 2021 Student & Teacher Handbook家长&学生手册
P. 36
(3)学期拖欠、不完成或不交作业达到 3 次,扣减 1 分,每增加 3 次扣减 1 分。Students will lose 1 point for three incomplete or non-submission of assignments, and an additional point loss for three occurrence.
(4)抄袭他人作业、替他人做作业、要求他人帮做作业达到 2 次,扣减 1 分,每增加一次 扣减 1 分。Students will lose 1 point for copying others’ homework, doing homework for others, asking someone else to do his/her homework and 1 point for each occurrence.
(5)因学习态度不端正,致使期中或期末考试成绩 1 科不及格扣减 1 分,依次递增。(属 于智力因素者例外)Students will lose 1 point for failure in midterm or final exams due to a poor study attitude, and the points will be added up in increasing order. (Except for disability factors).
(6)学期内无故旷课 1 节,扣减 1 分,每增加一次扣减 1 分。 (晨会、班会、或学校举行 的大型活动,缺勤一次计旷课一节). Students will lose 1 point for once unexcused absence during the semester (including normal class, morning assembly, or large activities hosted by school).
(7)考试作弊或帮助他人作弊,发现一例扣减 5-10 分。Students will lose 5-10 points for cheating and helping others cheating in exam. (8)早晚自习铃声响后,在走廊走动,没有进入班级并进入学习状态,发现一次减扣 1 分。 Students will lose 1 point per incident for walking in the hallway after the bell rings without a hall pass.
7.3.3. 生活习惯: Living habit
(1)插队就餐、打闹嬉戏、不倒餐盘,发现后教育不改者,每人次扣减 1 学分。Students who cut in line for a meal, play or chase, or don't clean their plate, will lose 1 point once found and not corrected.
(2)串寝打闹、将寝室房间门顶住或反锁,拒绝老师查寝,发现后教育不改者,一次减 扣 1 学分。Students who hang out in dorms, close the doors and refuse teacher inspection of the dorm, and refuse to correct the action after education will lose 1 point. 不经他人允许拿他人物品,或零食经教育不改,每次扣1学分。Students who take someone else's belongings or snacks without their permission, and refuse to correct the action after education will lose 1 point for every incident.
(3)学期内不按时就寝、离寝达 2 次,经教育不改者,扣减 1 学分,每加 1 次扣减 1 学 分。Students who do not go to bed or leave the dorm on time twice during the semester, and refuse to correct the action after education, will lose 1 credit. And 1 more point will be deducted for each additional.
(4)学期内不整理内务卫生达 2 次,经教育不改者,扣减 1 学分,每增 1 次扣减 1 学分。 Students who don’t do housekeeping twice and refuse to correct the action after education, will lose 1 point. And 1 more point will be deducted for each additional.
(5)在寝室大声喧哗、拍球、摔门、经教育不改者,每次扣减1学分。Students who yell loudly,
play balls and slam doors in dorms will lose 1 point per incident.
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