Page 34 - 2021 Student & Teacher Handbook家长&学生手册
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 (3)学生按时完成军训和生活指导课程,根据认真完成程度每人加 1-3 分(如果有违纪、旷 课、请假,视情节减 1-3 分)。Students who complete the military training and life guidance course on time will get 1-3 points based on their seriousness(If there is discipline, absence, leave of absence,1-3 points will be subtracted based on severity).
(4)被评为月星级优秀寝的,寝室长加 2 分,每位成员加 1 分 For the dorm which was awarded excellent dorm, the dormitory leader can get 2 points and every member can get 1 point.
(5)主动帮助老师做事,积极参与学校管理者,并在校园传递正能量,对外宣传学校, 为学校招来生源者加 1-2 分。Students who take the initiative to help teachers, take an active role in school administration, and deliver positive energy on campus, promote the school externally, and attract students to the school can get 1-2 points.
(6)学生自觉维护校园卫生或用电,经常性主动捡拾学校公共区域(教学楼走廊、卫生间、 广场、马路、宿舍大楼门口、餐厅、室外篮球场等区域)垃圾加1分。Students who actively maintain school sanitation or electricity and regularly pick up trash in public areas (hallways, bathrooms, plazas, streets, dormitories, cafeterias, outdoor basketball courts, etc.) will get 1 point.
(7)课堂表现优异,学习态度端正,与之前比进步较大的,视情况加 1 分。Students who can get 1 point for excellent classroom performance, positive attitude, and great progress.
7.3 学分扣减标准 Credit deduction criteria
7.3.1.行为习惯:Behaviors: (1)乱丢纸屑、果皮、食品包装袋、饮料瓶等废弃物,践踏草坪,攀花折枝或有其他破坏学
校环境的行为,扣减 1 分。Students who perform actions such as littering, trampling on the lawn, removing flowers or other behaviors that damage the school environment will lose 1 point.
(2)无故不穿校服、擅自改校服、涂抹校服、着奇装异服、佩戴首饰、纹身、男生留长 发、怪发、染发、烫发,女生浓妆艳抹等,穿拖鞋进入教学区,发现一次扣减 1 分。Students who do not wear school uniforms without reason, change school uniforms, paint school uniforms, wear strange clothes, wear jewelry, tattoos, have long hair, strange hair, dye hair, perm hair for boys, or wear excessive makeup for girls, or wear slippers in teaching building, will lose 1 point for every incident.
(3)将食品带入教学区域,发现一次扣减1分。Students who bring food to the teaching building will lose 1 point for every time was found.
(4)在教学楼或宿舍的墙壁、桌椅、门窗、白板或者其它公共设施乱写乱画乱涂乱刻,或 涂改撕毁通知、公告、宣传品等,扣减2分。Students who perform actions such as writing or scribbling on the walls, desks, chairs, doors, windows, whiteboards or other public facilities of the school building or dormitory, or altering or tearing notices, announcements, publicity materials will lose 2 points.
(5)私藏电子产品或被老师发现拒不上交者,视情节扣减 2-4 分。Students who hide electronic products who refuse to turn electronic devices in will lose 2-4 points based on severity.
(6)恐吓、怒骂、威胁他人经举报查实,扣减 2-4 分。Students who threaten, curse, or 33 / 57

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