Page 32 - 2021 Student & Teacher Handbook家长&学生手册
P. 32
winners of the Dormitory Advanced Individual, Star Dormitory Member, and Outstanding Volunteer.
(6)荣获校级各种竞赛一至三等奖的。First to third prizes in various school-level competitions.
7.2.2.凡下列情况之一者,奖励5-10分: Students who have one of the following situation will be awarded 5-10 points:
(1) 学期末,荣获学校“三好学生”、“优秀学生干部”、“进步最快奖”、“特长突出奖”、 “社区服务与社会实践优秀奖”、“优秀生活习惯奖”等个人荣誉称号之一者;学年末,荣获 “融育成就奖”、“学生领袖奖”、“融育创新奖”、“特优学生奖”、“学习优胜奖”、“优秀学习 习惯奖”但不兼得。Be awarded one of the honors, such as Outstanding Students, Outstanding Students Leader, Fastest Progress Award, Outstanding Specialty Award, Outstanding Community Service and Social Practice Award, Outstanding Lifestyle Award at the end of semester; Be awarded one of the honors, such as Honor Achievement Award, Student Leadership Award, Honor Innovation Award, Outstanding Student Award, Outstanding Learning Award and Excellent Learning Habits Award at the end of academic year.
(2)在社会团体、机构组织的学科类(非学科类)竞赛奖励中,获得国家级优胜奖、 省级三等奖、市级二等奖、区级一等奖的。In competitions organized by social groups and institutions, students get the awards of the national level, the third prize at the provincial level, the second prize at the municipal level, the first prize at the district level.
(3)学期之内在市级刊物上发表 1 篇文章、在校刊上发表 2 篇文章。 Get one article published in a municipal journal and two articles published in a school journal during the semester.
(4)期末考试综合成绩 GPA 分数获年级第一名的。Get first prize in GPA at the end of the semester.
(5)小发明获得国家三等奖的。Get third prize at national level for small invention.
7.2.3.凡下列情况之一者,奖励10-15分: Students who have one of the following situation will be awarded 10-15 points:
(1)获区级“优秀学生”、“优秀学生干部”称号之一者,但与校级不兼得。Get one of the honors, such as Outstanding Student or Outstanding Student Leader at the district level.
(2)在教育部门、共青团主办或承办的学科类(非学科类)竞赛奖励中获得国家级优胜 奖、省级三等奖、市级二等奖、区级一等奖;In competitions sponsored or organized by the education department and China Communist Youth League, students get awards in national level, the third prize at the provincial level, the second prize at the municipal level, the first prize at the district level.
(3)学期之内在省级刊物发表 1 篇文章、市级刊物 2 篇、校报 3 篇及 3 篇以上的. Get one article published in a provincial journal and two articles published in municipal journal, and three or more than three articles in school journal during the semester.
(4)小发明获得国家二等奖的。Get second prize at national level for small invention. 31 / 57