Page 31 - 2021 Student & Teacher Handbook家长&学生手册
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  7.1 量化评定办法 Quantitative Assessment Method
7.1.1.每学期给学生 60 分的基本分。量化考核评价,将根据学生三好习惯养成情况进行 加减分。学期评定在 80 分以上(含 80 分)为优秀、79-70 分之间为良好、60 分以上为合格、 60 分以下为不合格。
Each student has 60 points every semester. When we make the quantitative assessment evaluation, we will add and subtract points based on the student's behavior.
7.1.2.量化评定当中,每学期班主任总共有 20 分加减权限(学生的行为习惯、学习习惯), 任课教师(含班主任)总共有 10 分加减权限(学生的学习习惯),宿管老师有 10 分加减权限(生 活习惯),每月上报学生发展中心对学生量化考核评价结果。
In the quantitative assessment, the homeroom teacher has a total of 20 points (students' behavior and study habits), the subject teacher (including the homeroom teacher) have a total of 10 points (students' study habits), and the dorm teacher has 10 points (life habits), and the results of the quantitative assessment should be reported to the Student Affairs Office every month.
The Student Affairs Office is responsible for monitoring and reviewing evaluation results. 7.1.4.每学年进行一次总评,凡评价分数低于 20 分的学生,责令其留级或转学。
An overall evaluation will be conducted each academic year. And for the students who have
less than 20 points, the school will ask them to repeat or transfer.
7.2 量化评价标准 Quantitative Evaluation Criteria
(一)量化分数奖励标准 Quantitative score award criteria
7.2.1.凡下列情况之一者,奖励 1-3 分:Students who have one of the following situation will be awarded 1-3 points
(1)每学期美术、书法或手工艺等作品被学校收藏或展出的。Art work, calligraphy or handicrafts are collected or exhibited by the school each semester.
(2)每学期学习成绩进步明显,其中 GPA 分数每提升 0.1 分奖励 1 分,以此类推。GPA 超 过 3.5 的,每超过 0.1 分奖励 1 分。Significant progress in academic performance each semester, 1 point award for every 0.1 point increase in GPA score. When GPA is over 3.5, 1 point awards for every 0.1 point exceed.
(3)在学校校刊或校报发表1篇文章。One article published in school journal or school newspaper.
(4)社会实践活动、研究性学习报告评比获奖的。Get awards on social practice and research study report.
(5)每周、每月荣获宿舍先进个人、星级寝室成员、优秀志愿者的。Weekly and monthly 30 / 57

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