Page 47 - 2021 Student & Teacher Handbook家长&学生手册
P. 47
9.3 警告处分,满 1 个月有明显改过表现着,经个人申请,可撤销处分;严重警告处分,满 2 个 月有明显改过表现着,经个人申请,可撤销处分;记过处分,满三个月有明显改过表现着,经个人 申请,可撤销处分;记大过处分,满六个月且有明显改过表现者,经个人申请,可撤销处分:受留校 察看转为试读,满一学年且有明显改过表现者,可申请撤销处分。For the warning punishment, if there is obvious improvement after one month, the punishment can be expunged upon personal application; for the serious warning punishment, if there is obvious improvement after two months, the punishment can be expunged upon personal application; for the demerit punishment, if there is obvious improvement after three months, the punishment can be expunged upon personal application; for the major demerit punishment, if there is obvious improvement after six months, the punishment can be expunged upon personal application. For probation, if students who have been on probation for one academic year and have shown great improvement may apply for expungment.
9.4 在处分撤销之前,学生升学,处分随学生档案转存。The disciplinary punishment will be recorded in student’s profile before the punishment was revoked.
9.5 犯错误之后,能够主动承认错误,并积极协助学校妥善处理违纪事件者,可减轻处分或 者免于处分;受处分期间,表现特别优异者,可提前撤销处分;受处分期间,再出现严重违纪者,加 重处分。If the student is able to admit the mistake and actively assist the school in dealing with the disciplinary incident, the punishment may be reduced or waived; if the student's performance during the punishment period is particularly outstanding, the punishment may be revoked in advance; if the student commits serious disciplinary offences again during the punishment period, the punishment may be increased.
9.6 所有受处分学生,学校将通知家长。Parent’s of students whom receive punishment will be notified.
未尽事宣,将根据实际情况,本着惩前毖后,治病救人的原则进行处理。Anything not declared will be dealt with according to the actual situation, based on the principle of warnings and punishment based on severity and moral standing.
Shanghai Honor School school-level award setting and selection methods for students
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