Page 50 - 2021 Student & Teacher Handbook家长&学生手册
P. 50

 Awarding time: two weeks before the end of the academic year
Learning Excellence Award
这个奖项将颁给那些学生成绩优秀,努力上进的学生。教师发展中心提名,候选学生名单公 示一周,征求所有任课教师和班主任意见后,制作成海报在宣传栏张贴。 证书由外方校长签发奖证。
   The award will be given to those students who have excellent grades and work hard to make progress. Nominated by the Teacher Development Center, the list of candidate students will be publicized for one week, and after soliciting the opinions of all teachers and class teachers, a poster will be made and posted on the bulletin board.
Responsible department: Teacher Development Center Awarding time: two weeks before the end of the academic year
Excellent Study Habits Award
这个奖项将颁给那些认真对待学习,目前成绩可能不高,但是学习努力,态度端正,积极上 进的学生。该奖项由中、外方任课教师推荐,征得所有任课教师同意后,制作成海报在宣传 栏张贴。证书由外方校长签发奖证。
This award will be awarded to those who kept serious attitudes towards their studies even though the current grades may not be high, but they study hard, have correct attitudes and being positive. The award is recommended by Chinese and foreign teachers, and after obtaining the consent of all teachers, a poster will be made and posted on the bulletin board. The certificate is issued by the foreign principal.
Responsible department: Teacher Development Center Awarding time: two weeks before the end of the academic year
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