Page 54 - 2021 Student & Teacher Handbook家长&学生手册
P. 54

 星级班级评比 Star Class Evaluations 一、评比方法 Evaluations Method
按周、月、学期、学年各阶段分别进行评价。Evaluations are conducted on a weekly, monthly, semester and academic year basis.
1. 周评价 Weekly evaluation
  1) 每天按照《一日常规检查条例》对各班进行检查评比。Inspect and evaluate each class in accordance with the Daily Routine Inspection Ordinance every day.
2) 每周把每天检查结果进行综合评比,并公布结果。Make comprehensive evaluation of daily inspection results and publish results each week
2.月评价 Monthly evaluation
 每月按照 4 周计算,评出每月星级班级,公布评比结果,把个别班级存在问题及时反馈 给班主任,学生发展中心帮助班主任寻找解决方案。Select the star of class every month
according to the results of 4 weeks, and announce the evaluation result. Give feedback of individual class problems to the corresponding homeroom teacher. The Student Development Center shall help homeroom teachers find solutions.
3.学期评价 Semester evaluation
1)学期评分=各月评分之和÷月数。Semester grade=sum of monthly grades/numbers of month 2)排名在前的班级可列入星级班级评比备选。The top-ranked classes may be included in the
star class options
3)班级学期中出现重大事故,取消学期星级班级评选资格。Classes will be disqualified from the semester star rating if a major incident occurs during the semester
二、表彰与奖励 Recognition and awards
1. 周评比获得星级班级称号的,学校颁发星级班级流动红旗。If the class wins the title of star of class in the weekly evaluation, the school will award the mobile red banner of class star. 2.学期评比获得星级班级称号的,学校对星级班级进行表彰。The school will give awards to the star classes if they win the title of star class in the semester evaluation.
三、其他 Others
由学生发展中心制定《星级班级评比细则》进行实施。Student Development Center is responsible for making the Star Class Evaluation Details.
文明寝室评比 Civilized Dormitory Evaluations
一、评比办法 Evaluation Method 53 / 57

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