Page 686 - Sociology and You
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Aberle, David, 592–593
absolute poverty, 259
accommodation pattern of assimilation,
achieved status, 141–142 acting crowds, 586 Addams, Jane, 18, 19 adolescents
athletes’ chances of advancing to pros, 513
crime of, 226–227
definition of, 373 developmental issues, 126–127 deviance of, 204
family issues, 373
gang activity, 222–223 popularity, 253
population in U.S., 532
and pregnancy, 215
and school culture, 96–97
and smoking, 213
socialization of, 132
sport behavior study, 510–511 unemployment levels, 293
and violence, 106–107
Afghanistan, gender roles in, 317 Africa, death rate of, 533
African Americans. See also minorities
assimilation barriers, 291–292 in central cities, 553
civil rights movement, 596 and crime, 218–219
and education, 293, 300, 389, 402, 405, 420–421
family structure, 373
income of, 292, 300
job opportunities, 292–293 perceived economic situation, 275 political advances, 293–294 poverty rates, 260, 300
in professional sports, 514–515 profiling by police, 236–237 unemployment of, 292–293
The Age of Spiritual Machines
(Kurzweil), 408 age stratification, 330
ageism, 330–332. See also elderly persons
agricultural production trends, 161 agricultural societies
and city development, 549 elderly roles in, 330–331 family structure in, 350 industrialization of, 159–160 mechanization of farming, 451 social structure in, 156–157
AIDS hysteria, 584–585
Allport, Gordon, 287
alternative movements, 593 altruistic suicide, 57
American Association for Retired
Persons (AARP), 338 American Dream, 576–577 American Sociological Association,
Andersen, Margaret, 311 Anglo-conformity, 280
anomic suicide, 57
anomie, 210
anthropology, 7
anticipatory socialization, 129, 132 antiwar movement (American),
593–595 Aristotle, 183
Asch, Solomon, 184, 188–189 ascribed status, 141, 277
Asian Americans, 296, 300, 389, 402.
See also minorities assimilation, 280–281, 291–292 authoritarianism, 431
authority, 191–192, 425, 426–427 average (statistical definition), 46
baby boomers, 366, 554, 572 back-to-basics movement in education,
393 baseball, 508, 516
Bay of Pigs Invasion, 185
Beatles, 463
Becker, Howard, 214–215
behavior, 9–10, 73, 94. See also collec-
tive behavior beliefs, 92, 479–480
Bell, Daniel, 162
The Bell Curve (Herrnstein and
Murray), 405 Berger, Peter L., 35, 472
Bettelheim, Bruno, 120
bilateral family arrangement, 350 bilingual education, 397–398 biological determinism, 311, 312–314 birth rates, 531–532, 540
Black Like Me (Griffin), 42
blended families, 371–372
blue-collar workers, 450, 451, 452–453 Blumer, Herbert, 30–31, 586–587, 588 boomerang kids, 379
“born again” Christians, 486–487 bourgeoisie, 16, 243
brain activity, 312
Branch Davidians, 593
Brunvand, Jan Harold, 582
Buddhism, 470
bureaucracy, 190–195
bureaucratic model of education,
Burgess, Ernest, 556–557, 559 Byrd, James, Jr., 285
Calvin, John, 472
capital punishment (death penalty),
227, 229–230 capitalism, 440–442, 444, 472 capitalists, 16
Caplow, Theodore, 482–483 case studies
American dream, 576–577 definition of, 42
deviance, 222–223
on isolated children, 113–114 pros and cons of, 45 self-fulfilling prophecy in
education, 414–415 sport values, 510–511
casinos, 296
Casler, Lawrence, 113
caste systems, 266–267
casual crowds, 586
causation, 50–54, 125
census, 39, 41, 226, 536, 548
central city dilemma, 553–554 Chagnon, Napoleon, 158
Challenger space shuttle disaster, 171 Chambliss, William, 222–223
change, 95–97, 129, 132
charismatic authority, 426–427

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