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death penalty (capital punishment), 227, 229, 230
death rates, 533–534, 540
Delta Airlines, 283
democracy, 428–429, 445, 568–569 Democracy in America (de
Tocqueville), 569 demographic transition theory,
demography, 530, 547. See also
denominations (religious), 475, 478 dependency ratio of population
growth, 545–546
dependent variable, 52 desegregation of schools, 406–407 desocialization, 128
deterrence, 227, 229
developing countries, 552 deviance
conflict theory perspective, 218–221 definition and description of,
functionalist perspective, 209–212 smoking as, 213
symbolic interactionism perspec-
tive, 214–217 deviants, 205
Dewey, John, 390
Dickson, William, 195
differential association theory of de-
viance, 214
diffusion, 95, 570–571, 573 disabled persons, 261
discipline, parental, 376–377 discovery, 95, 570 discrimination. See also prejudice
definition of, 285
in home buying process, 306–307,
institutionalized, 290–291
Irish “Traveling People,” 279 segregation, 282, 297, 323, 406–407 theoretical perspectives, 286–288
dispersed collectivity, 582
diversion strategy of crime prevention,
diversity, cultural, 98
division of labor
bureaucratic, 191
gender based, 316, 317
in preindustrial societies, 154–155 and social solidarity, 160–161
divorce rates, 364–366 domestic violence, 367–369 Domhoff, William, 328
doubling time (of population), 537 downsizing, 455–456 downwaging, 455
dramaturgy, 31
drives, 73
Drudge, Matt, 445, 590
dual-employed marriages, 152, 374–375 DuBois, W. E. B., 22
Dudley, Kathryn Marie, 452–453 Durkheim, Emile
background of, 16–17
on deviance, 210–211
on perspective, 9
on religion, 464, 467–470 on social solidarity, 160–162 suicide research, 56–57
dysfunction, 26, 505–506
Eccles, Jacquelynne, 96–97 economic institutions, 424–425 economic systems, 440–444 economics (study of), 7
Eder, Donna, 66–67, 253, 510–511 edge cities, 554
Edison schools, 395
education. See also schools
of athletes, 504–505 back-to-basics movement, 393 bilingual, 397–398
bureaucratic model of, 388–390 culture of, 96–97
early reforms of, 390
functions of, 396–398
future of, 399
high school dropout rates, 412 humanistic movement, 390–392 and income, 401
inequality in, 403–407, 411–413,
and institutionalized discrimination,
McDonaldization of, 20–21
as meritocracy, 400–403
minority group attainment of, 293,
295, 296, 300, 389
and political socialization, 434 reform movements, 390–393 school choice debate, 393–395 self-fulfilling prophecies, 410–411,
and socialization, 122, 319, 387,
Educational Amendment Act (1972)
(Title IX), 495, 517–518 educational equality, 403–404
egoistic suicide, 56
Eitzen, Stanley, 503, 504, 507 elderly persons
abuse of, 369
Internet usage, 555
in Japan, 535
life expectancy of, 564–565
as minority group, 333
political power, 337–338 population distribution, 337 socioeconomic situation, 333–336,
electronic churches, 484, 487
The Elementary Forms of Religious Life
(Durkheim), 468 elitism, 436, 437, 439
Elkind, David, 126
emergent norm theory of crowd
behavior, 587–588 employee rights, 448
employment. See work and workplace endogamy, 354
environmental issues, 572, 574 equalitarian family structure, 351 equilibrium, 578
An Essay on the Principle of Population (Malthus), 539
ethical issues, 59–61, 66–67, 474 ethnic cleansing. See genocide ethnic minority, 278
ethnicity and race, 276–278. See also
minorities ethnocentrism, 98, 100, 278 etiquette, cultural, 82 Evans, Jean, 121
exogamy, 354
definition of, 45
group pressure, 184, 188–189 rhesus monkey, 111, 113 status in prisons, 144–145
exponential growth (of population), 538
expressive crowds, 586
extended family, 349
extreme sports, 499
extremist religious groups, 476–477
fads, 583, 592
Failing at Fairness (Sadker and
Sadker), 319
Falling From Grace (Newman), 268 false consciousness, 250
families. See also adolescents; children;
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