Page 690 - Sociology and You
P. 690

Hoyt, Homer, 559
Hull-House, 19
humanistic movement in education, 390 hunting and gathering societies,
154–155, 350, 427 Hutterites, 531
hypothesis, 58
hypothesis of linguistic relativity, 78–79 I
“I,” 119
ideal culture, 94
identity, 310–315, 342–343, 397–398,
in-group, 178
innovation as deviant response, 210–211 instincts, 73
institutionalized discrimination,
integrative curriculum, 391–392 intelligence, 404–406, 414–415
interest groups, 338, 437–439, 579–580 intergenerational mobility, 265 interlocking directorates, 447
access to, 283, 600–601
for family communication, 370 global usage, 574
and hate groups, 289
as informational resource, 47–48 job opportunities for women, 329 news reporting issues, 445 rumors on, 590
social network communication,
social skills development, 112 Star Wars impact, 99
theoretical perspectives on, 28–29 virtual communities, 555
interviews, 40
invention, 95, 570
Invitation to Sociology (Berger), 35 Ireland, 279, 334–335
iron law of oligarchy, 196
Islam, 466, 470
Jacobson, Lenore, 410–411, 414–415 Janis, Irving, 185
Japan, 282, 363, 423, 535, 571 Japanese Americans, 297, 300. See also
Asian Americans Jensen, Arthur, 405
job opportunities, 12, 292–293. See also occupations
job security, 164
Jones, Jim, 476–477 Judaism, 470
juvenile crime, 226–227
Kinsey, Alfred, 378 Kozol, Jonathan, 420–421 Kurzweil, Ray, 408
labeling theory of deviance, 214–217, 285
labor force participation, 318, 595. See also work and workplace
language, 77–79, 287
latent functions, 26, 396, 398
Latinos. See also minorities
and crime, 218–219
definition of, 294
educational attainment of, 295, 300,
family structure, 373
income of, 295, 300 political power of, 295, 530 population of, 294–295 poverty rates, 260, 300
SAT scores, 402
law enforcement, 236–237
laws, 85, 86, 87. See also norms
Le Bon, Gustave, 587–588
Leacock, Eleanor, 411
legitimate (churches), 468
leisure, 155
Lemert, Edwin, 215–216
Lennon, John, 463
Levine, Daniel, 405
Levine, Rayna, 405
Liebow, Elliot, 42
life expectancy, 533, 564–565
life span, 533
limited liability of corporations, 446 linguistic relativity, hypothesis of,
78–79 literature search, 58
“living together,” 375, 378 Lombardi, Vince, 498 Lombroso, Cesare, 50 looking-glass self, 116–117, 251 Los Angeles riots, 587
magnet schools, 394–395 majority opinion, 184 males
athletes’ chances of playing professional sports, 513
brain activity, 312 dual-employment family issues,
family role, 384–385
sports activity, 524–525 suicide rates, 331 workplace attitudes, 321
malls, shopping, 168–169 Malthus, Thomas Robert, 539 manifest functions, 26, 396–398 marriage. See also families
American characteristics, 363–364, 366
childless, 374
choosing mate, 353–355, 362 and cohabitation, 375, 378 definition of, 349
identity theft, 228
Ikeda, Keiko, 130–131
illegal immigration, 534
illiteracy rates, 397
imitation stage of role taking, 118 immigrants and immigration, 278,
280–281, 534
impression management, 31 incarceration, 229. See also prisons incest taboo, 354
of African Americans, 292, 300 American inequality, 244–245 definition of, 244
by educational level, 401
of elderly, 336
gender inequality, 309
of Latinos, 295
of Native Americans, 296 and social class, 254
independent variables, 52 India
caste system in, 266–267
children as economic necessity, 359 cow worship, 492–493
family planning, 542–543
marriage, 363–364
preindustrial cities in, 549
religious wars, 466
individual behavior, 9–10
industrial societies, 159–162, 218, 331,
350, 550–551
inequality. See also discrimination;
and conflict, 182
in education, 403–406, 420–421 of income, 244–245
in preindustrial societies, 156 in sports, 507
infant mortality rates, 533–534, 540 informal organizations, 194–195 informal sanctions, 88
information gathering, 46–48, 62, 596
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