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divorce, 364–366 dual-employment in, 374–375 forms of, 351–352, 353
Hopi Indians, 356
marriage rates, 364 “Martian hysteria,” 584 Martineau, Harriet, 15 Marx, Karl
background of, 16
on religion, 470
on social stratification, 242,
243–245, 250, 579 mass hysteria, 584–585
mass media. See also Internet definition of, 124
electronic churches, 484
healthy skepticism of, 62
National Television Violence Study,
and political socialization, 434 socialization influence, 117,
sports portrayal, 502
T.V. availability, 125
master status, 142–143
material culture, 92–93
matriarchy, 350
matrilineal family arrangement, 350 matrilocal family structure, 351 McDonaldization, 20–21, 200–211 “me,” 119
Mead, George Herbert, 30, 116, 117–119
Mead, Margaret, 313–314
mean (statistical definition), 46–47 mechanical solidarity, 17, 161 mechanization, 160
media. See mass media
median (statistical definition), 47 melting pot pattern of assimilation,
280–281 men. See males
meritocracy, 400–403
Merton, Robert, 26, 210–211
Mexican Americans, 294, 295. See also
Latinos Michels, Robert, 196
Microsoft Corporation, 440–441 middle class, 255–256
migration, 534
Milgrim, Stanley, 188–189
military organizations, 194
Mills, C. Wright, 11, 439 minorities. See also discrimination;
prejudice; specific minority group and crime, 218–219
death penalty attitudes, 229 definition and characteristics of,
elderly situation, 333, 336
ethnic, 278
females as, 322
high school graduation rates, 389 Internet usage, 601
in Ireland, 279
political power of, 293–294, 295 population growth of, 530
poverty rates of, 260, 295, 296, 300 power of, 286
relationship with majority group,
and SAT results, 401–403 sport opportunities, 513–514 textbooks depiction, 410
in United States, 291–301
mobs, 587, 591
mode (statistical definition), 46 monkeys, social isolation experiment
of, 111, 113 monogamy, 351–352
monopolies, 440–441
morality, 84
mores, 84, 85, 87. See also norms mortality, 533–534
multicultural education, 407 multinationals, 447, 449
multiple causation, 50
multiple nuclei theory of city growth,
557, 559, 560 Murray, Charles, 405
Muslims, 466, 470
A Nation at Risk, 393
National Commission on Excellence in
Education, 393
National Crime Victimization Survey
(NCVS), 226
National Television Violence Study,
Native Americans. See also minorities
crime and punishment traditions, 208
educational attainment, 296, 300 gender identity, 315
income of, 296, 300
marriage and courtship, 356 population transfer, 282
poverty rates, 300
on reservations, 296
SAT scores, 402
and social change, 567, 573
stereotypes, 286, 519
“nature versus nurture” debate, 73,
312–314, 405 Nazi Germany
crowd behavior of, 588 ethnocentrism of, 100
German army as primary group, 174 Hitler’s power, 246, 426–427, 430 Holocaust impact, 281 prisoner-of-war camps, 120
negative correlation, 53 negative deviance, 205 neolocal family structure, 351 the Net. See Internet
net migration rate, 534
nettling, 93
New Guinea, 313–314
Newman, Katherine, 268, 460–461,
576–577 Nie, Norman, 112
Nisbet, Robert, 575 nonmaterial culture, 92, 93 norms. See also values
conformity to, 206–207, 210–212 and crowd behavior, 587–588 cultural etiquette, 82
definition of, 81, 83 enforcement of, 87–88
in Middle Ages, 249
sport as teacher of, 504–505 types of, 83–87
violation of, 204–205
Novak, Michael, 278 nuclear family, 349
obligations, 146–147
occupational sex segregation, 323 occupations, 247, 322–325, 435,
454–455. See also work and
workplace Ogburn, William, 578
oligarchy, iron law of, 196 oligopolies, 440–441
Olympics, 506
open classrooms, 390–391 open-class system of mobility, 267 open-ended questions, 40, 41 organic solidarity, 17, 161–162 out-group, 178
overurbanization, 552
panic, 585
parenting. See also families
discipline, 376–377
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