Page 693 - Sociology and You
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regulation, government, 441–442 rehabilitation, 230–231
Reich, Robert, 456
relative poverty, 259
relativity, 78–79, 80, 214–215 religion
in America, 481–488
beliefs and practices, 479–480 comparison of major world
religions, 470 definition of, 464
extremist groups, 476–477 gender inequality in, 471 organization of, 475, 478–479 research issues, 465
and science, 487–488 sociological meaning, 464–465 theoretical perspectives, 467–473 wars over, 466
worldwide distribution, 469
religiosity, 479–480, 483 replacement level of population
growth, 541
representative democracy, 428 representative sample, 39
research methods. See also case studies
of collective behavior, 581–582 example of, 66–67
experiments, 45, 111, 113, 144–145,
184, 188–189 field research, 42
goal of, 38
procedural steps, 58–59
of religion, 465
secondary analysis, 20–21, 41–42,
45, 56–57, 558 summary of, 45
surveys, 38–41, 45, 96–97, 275, 358
theoretical comparison, 43 reservations, Native American, 296 resocialization, 128–129
resource mobilization theory, 596 retreatism as deviant response, 210–211 retribution, 229
revolution, 574–575
revolutionary movements, 591–592 rhesus monkeys, social isolation
experiment, 111, 113 rights, 146
riots, 587, 592
ritualism as deviant response, 210–211 Ritzer, George, 20–21, 200–201 Rodman, Dennis, 502
Roethlisberger, F. J., 195
role conflict, 149–152, 372, 374–375 role performance, 147
role strain, 149–151
role taking, 118
roles, 118, 146–152, 372, 374–375 Rome (ancient), 497, 499
Rosenthal, Robert, 410–411, 414–415 Rubin, Lillian, 301
rules, 192, 194
rumors, 582, 589, 592
Russia, 443, 444
Ruth, Babe, 464–465
sacred, 464
The Sacred Canopy (Berger), 472 Sadker, David, 319, 411–412 Sadker, Myra, 319, 411–412 sample, 39
Samuelson, Paul, 244
sanctions, 87–88, 207
Sapir, Edward, 78
Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, 78–79 Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT),
401–403 school choice, 393
school desegregation, 406–407 schools. See also education
guns in, 149
high school reunions, 130–131 organization of, 191
public school alternatives, 393–395 social status within, 253
testing, 398, 401–403, 404, 405–406 violence in, 125–126, 180
science and religion, 487–488 scientific method, 54, 58–59
“second shift,” 374
secondary analysis, 20–21, 41–42, 45,
56–57, 558
secondary deviance, 216
secondary groups, 174–175, 194–195 secondary relationships, 174 secondary sector, 450
sect, religious, 478
sector theory of city growth, 557, 559,
secularization, 482–483, 485 segregation, 282, 297, 323, 406–407 self, 119
self-concept, 116, 251, 360–361, 508 self-fulfilling prophecy, 288, 410–411 separation of church and state, 488 service economy, 162, 450, 451
sex, 310–311
in education, 411–413 within family, 360
and income, 309
legal issues, 325–326 occupational and economic,
322–325 political, 326–328
and poverty, 260–261
in religion, 471
in sports, 498 stereotypes, 342–343, 517
sexual activity, family regulation of, 359
Shakespeare, William, 139 Shepard, Matthew, 285 shock probation, 231 Shupe, Anson, 484
sibling abuse, 369 significant norms, 205 significant others, 117 Simmel, Georg, 182 Singapore, 543
single persons, 378–379 single-gender schools, 413 single-parent families, 372–373 slavery, 291–292
Smelser, Neil, 159–160 Smith, Adam, 440, 441 Smith, Michael, 500 smoking, 213
social aggregate, 173 social bonds, 212
social categories, 98, 173 social change
and changing demographics, 572 definition of, 568–569
and deviance, 210
environmental role, 572, 574 functionalist explanation, 25
of Plains Indians, 567, 573 processes of, 569–571
and religion, 471–472
revolution and war, 574–575
and technology, 571–572 theoretical perspectives, 578–580
social classes. See also social stratification
in America, 254–257 conflict between, 16 consciousness of, 254 industrialization impact, 160 and parenting style, 258
in preindustrial societies, 154, 157 and religious affiliation, 487
and social stratification, 242
and sport, 507
social control, 206–207 Social Darwinism, 16, 405

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